NazarPonochevnyi / Trained-CNN-for-Genre-classification

🎵 Trained CNN model for Genre classification on GTZAN dataset [CNN Model:]
MIT License
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cnn-keras genre-classification gtzan-dataset machine-learning mir music-genre-classification neural-network tensorflow trained-models

Trained CNN for Genre classification

🎵 Trained CNN model for Genre classification on GTZAN dataset [CNN Model:]

Test trained CNN model

In the ./weights/ you can find trained model weights and model architecture. Also, you can download .h5 file and place it manually to ./weights/ directory using this link.

For test this trained model, you can run python3

Also, if you want to test your custom song or turn off debug messages, you can change code in the get_genre()'s function arguments. For example, you can input your song path instead default ./audios/classical_music.mp3 path or toggle next boolean function's argument to turn off debug messages.


For train CNN model of deep learning:

  1. Read the audios as melspectrograms, spliting then into 3s windows with 50% overlaping resulting in a dataset with the size 19000x129x128x1 (samples x time x frequency x channels)**.
  2. Shuffle the input and split into train and test (70%/30%)
  3. Train the CNN and validate using the validation dataset

** In the case of the VGG, the channel need to have 3 channels


Accuracy, Loss and Confusion matrix graphs

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MIT Licence