NazzarenoGiannelli / coordiknight

Copy location, rotation and scale of the selected objects from Blender to the clipboard and easily paste them into Unreal Engine
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Copy Transforms of instances from Geo nodes or Hair particles? #1

Open melvixiodf opened 2 years ago

melvixiodf commented 2 years ago

Hi Nazzareno, This addon is awesome. Thanks for sharing it here on github and thank you for making it.

Wanted to ask if its possible to add the ability for the addon to copy transforms from instances made with geonodes or hair particles without making them real instances because of viewport performance issues when you have like 500,000 plus on screen.

I also noticed when I need to copy like 500,000 plus instances made real from geonodes or hair particles in Blender, It takes a very long time before the copying is complete. Like hours. so I am wondering if there is any chance you could look into it. I am using Blender 3.2.

Hope you are well.


NazzarenoGiannelli commented 2 years ago

Hi! Thank you for checking out the addon and for the kind words.

I am far from an expert in python scripting and this is my highest achievement until now 😅 but I can try to see if there is a way through python to get the geonoedes and hair geometry coordinates. I fear they are not so easily exposed like regular meshes ones, but who knows...

I can imagine the addon takes a lot to process 500k objects, since it actually goes through each one of them and saves each one coordinates. Do they import correctly into Unreal?

melvixiodf commented 2 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to reply back.🙂

I am far from an expert in python scripting and this is my highest achievement until now 😅 but I can try to see if there is a way through python to get the geonoedes and hair geometry coordinates. I fear they are not so easily exposed like regular meshes ones, but who knows...

It is a great addon. Thanks for trying to see if there is a way. I am very grateful 🙏

I can imagine the addon takes a lot to process 500k objects, since it actually goes through each one of them and saves each one coordinates. Do they import correctly into Unreal?

Yes, it imports correctly into Unreal. The only issue is the time it takes to copy them in Blender.🙂