NazzarenoGiannelli / coordiknight

Copy location, rotation and scale of the selected objects from Blender to the clipboard and easily paste them into Unreal Engine
GNU General Public License v3.0
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CoordiKnight | Blender to Unreal Engine

Copy location, rotation and scale of the selected objects from Blender to the clipboard and easily paste them into Unreal Engine.

This Blender addon allows you to copy the location/rotation/scale of all selected meshes in the scene to the clipboard and simply paste them into Unreal Engine has placeholder static meshes. Combined with Epic Games Send to Unreal addon, it's a fast and efficient way to position many instances of the same mesh or even position many objects of any kind all at once.

A one-click solution for quickly placing a lot of instances in your levels!

v1.2 26/11/2022

Now compatible with Unreal Engine 5.1


The current updated version directly supports the Blender built-in clipboard functionality, so I removed the pyperclip module from the package and you don't need anymore to copy it into your system. Just install the addon and you are good to go!

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