Arduino library for LED matrix displays, compatible with Adafruit_GFX but lighter to save as much memory as possible on Atmega328 boards
This library have been tested on atmega328 (Uno, Nano), ESP8266 and ESP32, it should be compatible with most other boards but I have not tested them.
At the moment the library supports:
Rotation can be managed 8x8 matrix by 8x8 matrix or for all matrices at the same time.
To apply to all matrices, pass no matrix index and the constant GFXMATRIX_ALL will be used by default.
For example:
The scrolling function is non-blocking, it works in 2 steps :
const static char scrollString[] PROGMEM = "I CAN SCROLL TEXT!";
matrix.scrollInit(scrollString, 0, 15, 200);
here scrolling area starts at pixel 0, it is 15 pixels wide and we wait 200ms between each scroll step.matrix.scrollRefresh(true);
. Pass false instead of true if you don't want the library to refresh the matrix immediately, for example if you want to make another update on the display. In that case the scrolling text won't be refreshed until you call the matrix.display()
functionIt is possible to use multiple OLEDs using a TCA9548 multiplexer. In that case :
Please see the examples, they show initialization of all matrices types and use all the functions implemented in the library. Basically, the syntax for the drawing methods is the same than in Adafruit_GFX.