Helm Umbrella Chart for the Nemo.Bil applications and a local setup of the digital platform.
Useful tools:
The NeMo.Bil chart is a Helm Umbrella-Chart, containing all the sub-charts of the different components and their dependencies.
The chart is available at the repository https://nemo-bil.github.io/setup/
. You can install it via:
# add the repo
helm repo add nemobil https://nemo-bil.github.io/setup/
# install the chart
helm install <DeploymentName> nemobil/nemobil -n <Namespace> -f values.yaml
Note, that due to the app-of-apps structure of the chart and the different dependencies between the components, a deployment without providing any configuration values will not work. Make sure to provide a
file for the deployment, specifying all necessary parameters. This currently mainly includes setting parameters of the DNS information (providing Ingress or OpenShift Route parameters).
Configurations for all sub-charts (and sub-dependencies) can be managed through the top-level values.yaml of the chart. It contains the default values of each component and additional parameter shared between the components. The configuration of the applications can be changed under the key <APPLICATION_NAME>
, please see the individual applications and there sub-charts for the available options.
:warning: The local deployment uses k3s and is currently only tested on linux.
mvn clean deploy -Plocal
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/target/k3s.yaml
Starts a local K3S cluster with the components used by the NeMo.Bil digital platform utilizing mocked external services.
The Helm Values File can be adapted to adjust the setup and to disable the used mocks.
mvn clean install -Ptest
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/it/target/k3s.yaml
The Cucumber File and the connected test functions can be extended to cover more flows.
To have the local environment as close to reality as possible, all interaction happens through Ingress. The ingress is provided via the Traefik-IngressController and configured here: [k3s/infra/traefik]. Additionally, to ensure access to public endpoints happens equally from inside the cluster and outside of it, CoreDNS(deployed on default with k3s) is instructed to resolve the ingresses(e.g. *. directly to the loadbalancer-service of Traefik.
Component | Url | User credentials |
Grafana | http://grafana. | see secret "local/local-grafana" |
API Gateway | http://traefik. | -/- |
Kubernetes Dashboard | http://k8s. | kubectl create token observability-kubernetes-dashboard |
Stop and remove an existing k3s instance
docker stop k3s-maven-plugin ; docker rm k3s-maven-plugin
Retrieve the entities of type "Vehicle"
curl -G -iX GET 'http://context-broker.' \
-H 'type="application/ld+json"' \
-H 'Link: <http://context-file:9000/context-file/ngsild-context.jsonld>; rel="http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#context"; type="application/ld+json"' \
-d 'type=Vehicle'