NeXoS355 / booklist

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This is just a small Project which i did for my family. We couldn't get track of all the books we owned so i decided to write this little program.


Add Books with author, title, series info
add Remarks to specific Books
keep track of borrowed books
declare if it is a physical copy or an ebook
get Book Cover, Long Descriptions and other Infos via GoogleBooks API
filter your list via author, series or search with fulltext
export your list to an csv file
add Books to your Wishlist
rate the Book you just read with 1-5 Stars
display interesting informations about your Database e.g. most popular series or author

Tested with jdk21 and the following dependencies

gson 2.11.0
log4j-core 2.23.1
log4j-api 2.23.1
opencsv 5.9