Neatherblok / Cavator

Our educative game: Cavator
MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link

about the software

This bunch of software is our HTML5 Canvas and TypeScript game titled Cavator. The game is made for our OOP-project. The objective was to make a educative game for kids around the age of 12. We used history as our subject to make our game about.

Visit the gitHub wiki for more information: See the LICENSE file for more info on user agreement.

To be able to correctly edit the game you will need to install TypeScript. Look down a coupe of rows on how to install TypeScript.

installing TypeScript

  1. Clone this repository to your pc
  2. Make sure you have NodeJS installed (preferably the LTS version). This will also install npm.
  3. Open a terminal window (command prompt, git bash, powershell)
  4. Check if NodeJS is installed by typing node --version into the terminal. It should print a line with something like v8.12.0.
  5. Check if NPM is installed by typing npm --version into the terminal. It should print a line with something like 6.4.1.
  6. As an alternative to NPM, you could use the Yarn npm client from Google and Facebook (it works slightly better and faster than NPM). Install by running npm install -g yarn
  7. Install de dependencies by running npm install or yarn install from the project directory.
  8. Compile the project by running npm run build or yarn run build. If you want to run the build script everytime you make changes automatically, you can use npm run watch or yarn run watch. To check out how this works, you can open the package.json.
  9. Open the tsconfig.json file in this project.
  10. Search the TypeScript documentation and try to explain every line in the json file. Don't understand something? That's fine! Just don't copy stuff for the sake of filling up your answers.