NebulousLabs / skynet-js

A Javascript module made to simplify communication with Sia Skynet portals from the browser.
MIT License
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skynet-js - Javascript Sia Skynet Client

:warning: This repo has been archived and moved under the new SkynetLabs repo here

Version Build Status Contributors License

A Javascript module made to simplify communication with Sia Skynet portals from the browser.

Updating to v3 from v2

The latest stable major version is v3. There are many breaking changes from v2.

Please consult the update guide for help migrating your code.


For documentation complete with examples, please see the Skynet SDK docs.

We also have an example tutorial about creating your first web app on Skynet

How To Use skynet-js In Your Project

If you're thinking, "wait, how can I import() in the browser," then here is the answer:

While skynet-js is built with Node.js, you can easily compile it to one minified javascript file that is compatible with browsers.

Webpack will compile only the used functions (unused code will be removed automatically), so it is recommended to build your whole project in Node.js and compile it with webpack (click here for detailed tutorial):

cd your_project

npm install skynet-js

npm install webpack webpack-cli --save-dev

Update your package.json file.

remove - "main": "index.js",
add    - "private": true,

Create folders mkdir dist src. Make sure you have your javascript files in src and the main (entry) javascript is named index.js.

Compile with npx webpack! You will find the minified main.js in the dist folder.

Browser Utility Functions

skynet-js provides functions that only make sense in the browser, and are covered in the special section Browser JS API.


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run yarn
  3. Run yarn test to run the tests

Also see our guide to contributing.


We have some automated checks that must pass in order for code to be accepted. These include:

Note that the 100% coverage requirement is a minimum. Just because a line of code is tested does not mean it is tested well, that is, with different values and combinations of values. Tests should be as thorough as possible, within reason.
