NedReid / ButlerJCRWebsite

A work-in-progress website for Butler! 💛❤
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Butler JCR Website ❤️💛

This is the official website repository used by Butler JCR. This project is built using Express, React, and Tailwind. I personally use Webstorm for development, and Gitkraken for version control!

Install instructions:

To access the webpage, follow these instructions:

Step 1: Install Node.js

This can be done from the Node.js Website. I use node 18.12.1 but any recent version should work! You should also install Git. (obviously!)

Step 2: Install frontend and backend scripts:

In a terminal from the project root, perform the following commands:

npm install

Then again from the project root:

cd frontend
npm install

And again from the project root:

cd backend
npm install

Step 3: Set up configuration files

Make a file named ".env" in /frontend. This should have the following information:

WEB_ADDRESS = "http://localhost"; // Web address of website (Eg: localhost). Used for generating sitemap.

Next, make a file named ".env" in /backend. This should contain the following information

EMAILER_ADDRESS = ""; // Email the email verification will send from
EMAILER_PASSWORD = "p@ssw0rd_for_dat_Em@il"; // Password for this email (or API password)
TEST_EMAIL = ""; // All emails will be sent here if filled in
SIGNATURE = "v_random_key"; // A 64-letter random key
ESIGNATURE = "another_v_random_key"; // A differerent 64-letter random key
ADMIN_USER = "abcd12"; // Username with full admin access
WEB_ADDRESS = "http://localhost"; // Web address of site
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY = "STRIPE_ID"; // Stripe ID. Not needed as payments currently disabled.
STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY = "STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_ID"; // Stripe public ID. Not needed as payments currently disabled.
PORT = 80; // Port the server should run from

To make a SIGNATURE and ESIGNATURE I tend to use this key generator.

For the emailer address I use my personal address for development. If using Gmail, you will likely need an App Password.

Step 4: Run and develop code:

You should now have everything you need to run the project. Simply run the frontend in development mode by doing the following:

cd frontend
npm run watch

And then in another terminal window run the backend:

cd backend
npm run watch

Note that these programs will automatically update when any changes are made.

Known issues/troubleshooting: