Neo-Cat / NBCU-Loss-Percentage-Research

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What is Affecting Total Loss Percentage of Television Audience: An empirical study on series Blindspot

Wanlin Ji

For half a century, television has been a dominant and pervasive mass media, driving many technological advances. Total loss percentage measures percentage of individuals who stopped watching the broadcast in that minute from the total number of viewers in that minute. It is an important dynamic indicator of audience loss in broadcasting and television industry. Based on the minute-by-minute rating data from acclaimed television series Blindspot, ranging from September 2015 to May 2016, this study built a Two-Stage Least Squares (2SLS) Model to analyze what factors is influencing the total loss percentage of audience. Using time as instrumental variable, the results showed that commercial has a significant influence on the total loss percentage, and the time affects the total loss percentage through the channel of rating. The findings suggest insights for broadcasters and producers both in terms of managing advertisements.

keywords: Rating, advertising, audience loss.