Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) is the core mechanism for building attack-resistant and self-adaptive systems. It is a widespread concept since the proposal of a Practical BFT (by Miguel Castro and Barbara Liskov), with multiple implementations nowadays (such as dBFT on Neo Blockchain). This project intends to allow easy implementation of BFT protocols on C++ and multiple languages (portability for cross-language is fundamental!).
It is intended to be also used as the official dBFT for neopt, a C++ implementation of Neo Blockchain components, focused on portability. It may also help the development of other ecosystem tools, protocols, and even develop other blockchain and fail-safe storage technologies.
Currently, C++ spec is the reference one. After that, focus will be on Go, Python and C# ports.
For stability, try with VSCode and DevContainers Extension (see .devcontainers and Dockerfile).
If using DevContainers, you already have Bazel (otherwise, it's quite simple to install it).
Just type make
Currently, CMake is likely broken, due to advances in grpc/protobuf projects. We will try to fix it as soon as possible.
If using DevContainers, some working grpc version is already available (just need to fix CMakeLists.txt).
Remember to: ln -s /opt/bin/grpc_cpp_plugin /usr/local/bin/grpc_cpp_plugin
is your friend! Please install latest version (you can use Snappy to ensure that!):
sudo snap install cmake --classic
Image on DevContainer already manually a supported cmake version (installed on /opt
together with grpc)
Existing frameworks use high-level languages that may not be suitable for very lightweight architectures, such as microcontrollers with very limited computing capabilities.
C/C++ is interoperable with nearly all existing languages, so the idea is to provide modules that can be reused on other projects (on other languages too).
On debian-based systems (or ubuntu), just type:
make cpp && ./spec/cpp/build/app_test
Getting submodules: git submodule update --init --recursive
and git pull --recurse-submodules
Installing graphviz: sudo apt install graphviz
It will also configure test library (as long as you cloned this project with --submodules
To test, just run make test
Note: tests are still under development.
Currently, C++11 is adopted, in order to keep the best compatibility between conversors and compilers. However, it is recommended to migrate to C++17 as soon as possible, if this does not break compatibility with any existing modules and tools.
Let's please follow the CppCoreGuidelines.
If using vscode IDE, it is recommended to install the following extensions:
The currently adopted style for C++ is Mozilla
, with indentation level set to 3.
Recommended configuration for vscode:
"[cpp]": {
"editor.tabSize" : 3,
"editor.detectIndentation": false
"C_Cpp.clang_format_fallbackStyle": "{ BasedOnStyle : Mozilla , ColumnLimit : 0, IndentWidth: 3, AccessModifierOffset: -3}"
Let's please follow the CppCoreGuidelines, and as usual, classic CamelCase C++
naming is welcome :)
Still under development.
Still under development.
Still under development.
Cite this in your paper as:
author = {Rodolfo Pereira Araujo and Igor Coelho and Luiz Satoru Ochi and Vitor Nazario Coelho},
year = {2019},
month = {10},
title = "LibBFT: A High-Performace Timed Automata Library Collection for Byzantine Fault Tolerance",
doi = "10.1109/SBAC-PAD.2019.00045",
isbn = "978-1-7281-4194-7",
issn = "2643-3001",
publisher = "IEEE",
series = "2019 31st International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD)"
Code follows MIT License