I noticed an issue recently, if I stop during a rebase with a mix of modified (no conflict) and unmerged paths (conflicts), the status buffer is broken.
More specifically, two lines that were displayed as Modified and Both Modified previously are now merged together on a single line, separated by a tab character.
I did some git bisecting and identified 0281db3089503ddadcdabffe279e2f96fb7f7483 as the commit that introduced the bug.
I think this has to do with how those results are later matched using the various match_1, match_2 and match_u, but my investigation ended here.
The minimal config was enough to reproduce on my side, but this may be a bit cumbersome to reproduce since it requires both conflicting and non conflicting files during a rebase (at least I think this is how I end up with the bug).
If you need more info don't hesitate to reach out, thank you for your time, and for the awesome plugin !
Neovim version
NVIM v0.10.0-dev-594ff34
Build type: RelWithDebInfo
LuaJIT 2.1.1696795921
Run "nvim -V1 -v" for more info
Operating system and version
CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
Steps to reproduce
Start rebasing on another branch and create a conflict
Start nvim
Open neogit
Expected behavior
The status buffer should display separate Modified and Both Modified lines
Actual behavior
The status buffer displays a broken Modified line
Minimal config
-- NOTE: See the end of this file if you are reporting an issue, etc. Ignore all the "scary" functions up top, those are
-- used for setup and other operations.
local M = {}
local base_root_path = vim.fn.fnamemodify(debug.getinfo(1, "S").source:sub(2), ":p:h") .. "/.min"
function M.root(path)
return base_root_path .. "/" .. (path or "")
function M.load_plugin(plugin_name, plugin_url)
local package_root = M.root("plugins/")
local install_destination = package_root .. plugin_name
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(package_root) then
vim.fn.mkdir(package_root, "p")
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(install_destination) then
print(string.format("> Downloading plugin '%s' to '%s'", plugin_name, install_destination))
if vim.v.shell_error > 0 then
error(string.format("> Failed to clone plugin: '%s' in '%s'!", plugin_name, install_destination),
---@alias PluginName string The plugin name, will be used as part of the git clone destination
---@alias PluginUrl string The git url at which a plugin is located, can be a path. See https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-on-the-Server-The-Protocols for details
---@alias MinPlugins table<PluginName, PluginUrl>
---Do the initial setup. Downloads plugins, ensures the minimal init does not pollute the filesystem by keeping
---everything self contained to the CWD of the minimal init file. Run prior to running tests, reproducing issues, etc.
---@param plugins? table<PluginName, PluginUrl>
function M.setup(plugins)
vim.opt.packpath = {} -- Empty the package path so we use only the plugins specified
vim.opt.runtimepath:append(M.root(".min")) -- Ensure the runtime detects the root min dir
-- Install required plugins
if plugins ~= nil then
for plugin_name, plugin_url in pairs(plugins) do
M.load_plugin(plugin_name, plugin_url)
vim.env.XDG_CONFIG_HOME = M.root("xdg/config")
vim.env.XDG_DATA_HOME = M.root("xdg/data")
vim.env.XDG_STATE_HOME = M.root("xdg/state")
vim.env.XDG_CACHE_HOME = M.root("xdg/cache")
-- NOTE: Cleanup the xdg cache on exit so new runs of the minimal init doesn't share any previous state, e.g. shada
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("VimLeave", {
callback = function()
-- NOTE: If you have additional plugins you need to install to reproduce your issue, include them in the plugins
-- table within the setup call below.
plenary = "https://github.com/nvim-lua/plenary.nvim.git",
telescope = "https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim",
diffview = "https://github.com/sindrets/diffview.nvim",
neogit = "https://github.com/NeogitOrg/neogit"
-- WARN: Do all plugin setup, test runs, reproductions, etc. AFTER calling setup with a list of plugins!
-- Basically, do all that stuff AFTER this line.
require("neogit").setup({}) -- For instance, setup Neogit
Hey !
I noticed an issue recently, if I stop during a rebase with a mix of modified (no conflict) and unmerged paths (conflicts), the status buffer is broken.
More specifically, two lines that were displayed as
andBoth Modified
previously are now merged together on a single line, separated by a tab character.I did some
git bisect
ing and identified 0281db3089503ddadcdabffe279e2f96fb7f7483 as the commit that introduced the bug.Here is an exemple of the output I get now:
Here is the output I get when I use dab4e50:
I noticed that
was mentioned in !691, and I can see thestring.format
in https://github.com/NeogitOrg/neogit/commit/0281db3089503ddadcdabffe279e2f96fb7f7483#diff-70ea688606f2254c83e78a2d5fc72635f23e5b8505042d44b4157e1b54aca666R65 is likely what is causing the issue, but I failed to find an easy way to fix my issue without reverting 0281db3089503ddadcdabffe279e2f96fb7f7483.I think this has to do with how those results are later matched using the various
, but my investigation ended here.The minimal config was enough to reproduce on my side, but this may be a bit cumbersome to reproduce since it requires both conflicting and non conflicting files during a rebase (at least I think this is how I end up with the bug).
If you need more info don't hesitate to reach out, thank you for your time, and for the awesome plugin !
Neovim version
NVIM v0.10.0-dev-594ff34 Build type: RelWithDebInfo LuaJIT 2.1.1696795921 Run "nvim -V1 -v" for more info
Operating system and version
CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
Steps to reproduce
Expected behavior
The status buffer should display separate
andBoth Modified
linesActual behavior
The status buffer displays a broken
lineMinimal config