NeogitOrg / neogit

An interactive and powerful Git interface for Neovim, inspired by Magit
MIT License
3.62k stars 218 forks source link


A git interface for Neovim, inspired by Magit.
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Here's an example spec for Lazy, but you're free to use whichever plugin manager suits you.

  dependencies = {
    "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim",         -- required
    "sindrets/diffview.nvim",        -- optional - Diff integration

    -- Only one of these is needed, not both.
    "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", -- optional
    "ibhagwan/fzf-lua",              -- optional
  config = true

If you're not using lazy, you'll need to require and setup the plugin like so:

-- init.lua
local neogit = require('neogit')
neogit.setup {}


The master branch will always be compatible with the latest stable release of Neovim, and usually with the latest nightly build as well.


You can configure neogit by running the neogit.setup() function, passing a table as the argument.

Default Config ```lua local neogit = require("neogit") neogit.setup { -- Hides the hints at the top of the status buffer disable_hint = false, -- Disables changing the buffer highlights based on where the cursor is. disable_context_highlighting = false, -- Disables signs for sections/items/hunks disable_signs = false, -- Changes what mode the Commit Editor starts in. `true` will leave nvim in normal mode, `false` will change nvim to -- insert mode, and `"auto"` will change nvim to insert mode IF the commit message is empty, otherwise leaving it in -- normal mode. disable_insert_on_commit = "auto", -- When enabled, will watch the `.git/` directory for changes and refresh the status buffer in response to filesystem -- events. filewatcher = { interval = 1000, enabled = true, }, -- "ascii" is the graph the git CLI generates -- "unicode" is the graph like graph_style = "ascii", -- Used to generate URL's for branch popup action "pull request". git_services = { [""] = "${owner}/${repository}/compare/${branch_name}?expand=1", [""] = "${owner}/${repository}/pull-requests/new?source=${branch_name}&t=1", [""] = "${owner}/${repository}/merge_requests/new?merge_request[source_branch]=${branch_name}", [""] = "${owner}/_git/${repository}/pullrequestcreate?sourceRef=${branch_name}&targetRef=${target}", }, -- Allows a different telescope sorter. Defaults to 'fuzzy_with_index_bias'. The example below will use the native fzf -- sorter instead. By default, this function returns `nil`. telescope_sorter = function() return require("telescope").extensions.fzf.native_fzf_sorter() end, -- Persist the values of switches/options within and across sessions remember_settings = true, -- Scope persisted settings on a per-project basis use_per_project_settings = true, -- Table of settings to never persist. Uses format "Filetype--cli-value" ignored_settings = { "NeogitPushPopup--force-with-lease", "NeogitPushPopup--force", "NeogitPullPopup--rebase", "NeogitCommitPopup--allow-empty", "NeogitRevertPopup--no-edit", }, -- Configure highlight group features highlight = { italic = true, bold = true, underline = true }, -- Set to false if you want to be responsible for creating _ALL_ keymappings use_default_keymaps = true, -- Neogit refreshes its internal state after specific events, which can be expensive depending on the repository size. -- Disabling `auto_refresh` will make it so you have to manually refresh the status after you open it. auto_refresh = true, -- Value used for `--sort` option for `git branch` command -- By default, branches will be sorted by commit date descending -- Flag description: -- Sorting keys: sort_branches = "-committerdate", -- Change the default way of opening neogit kind = "tab", -- Disable line numbers and relative line numbers disable_line_numbers = true, -- The time after which an output console is shown for slow running commands console_timeout = 2000, -- Automatically show console if a command takes more than console_timeout milliseconds auto_show_console = true, -- Automatically close the console if the process exits with a 0 (success) status auto_close_console = true, status = { show_head_commit_hash = true, recent_commit_count = 10, HEAD_padding = 10, HEAD_folded = false, mode_padding = 3, mode_text = { M = "modified", N = "new file", A = "added", D = "deleted", C = "copied", U = "updated", R = "renamed", DD = "unmerged", AU = "unmerged", UD = "unmerged", UA = "unmerged", DU = "unmerged", AA = "unmerged", UU = "unmerged", ["?"] = "", }, }, commit_editor = { kind = "tab", show_staged_diff = true, -- Accepted values: -- "split" to show the staged diff below the commit editor -- "vsplit" to show it to the right -- "split_above" Like :top split -- "vsplit_left" like :vsplit, but open to the left -- "auto" "vsplit" if window would have 80 cols, otherwise "split" staged_diff_split_kind = "split" }, commit_select_view = { kind = "tab", }, commit_view = { kind = "vsplit", verify_commit = vim.fn.executable("gpg") == 1, -- Can be set to true or false, otherwise we try to find the binary }, log_view = { kind = "tab", }, rebase_editor = { kind = "auto", }, reflog_view = { kind = "tab", }, merge_editor = { kind = "auto", }, tag_editor = { kind = "auto", }, preview_buffer = { kind = "split", }, popup = { kind = "split", }, signs = { -- { CLOSED, OPENED } hunk = { "", "" }, item = { ">", "v" }, section = { ">", "v" }, }, -- Each Integration is auto-detected through plugin presence, however, it can be disabled by setting to `false` integrations = { -- If enabled, use telescope for menu selection rather than -- Allows multi-select and some things that doesn't. telescope = nil, -- Neogit only provides inline diffs. If you want a more traditional way to look at diffs, you can use `diffview`. -- The diffview integration enables the diff popup. -- -- Requires you to have `sindrets/diffview.nvim` installed. diffview = nil, -- If enabled, uses fzf-lua for menu selection. If the telescope integration -- is also selected then telescope is used instead -- Requires you to have `ibhagwan/fzf-lua` installed. fzf_lua = nil, }, sections = { -- Reverting/Cherry Picking sequencer = { folded = false, hidden = false, }, untracked = { folded = false, hidden = false, }, unstaged = { folded = false, hidden = false, }, staged = { folded = false, hidden = false, }, stashes = { folded = true, hidden = false, }, unpulled_upstream = { folded = true, hidden = false, }, unmerged_upstream = { folded = false, hidden = false, }, unpulled_pushRemote = { folded = true, hidden = false, }, unmerged_pushRemote = { folded = false, hidden = false, }, recent = { folded = true, hidden = false, }, rebase = { folded = true, hidden = false, }, }, mappings = { commit_editor = { ["q"] = "Close", [""] = "Submit", [""] = "Abort", }, commit_editor_I = { [""] = "Submit", [""] = "Abort", }, rebase_editor = { ["p"] = "Pick", ["r"] = "Reword", ["e"] = "Edit", ["s"] = "Squash", ["f"] = "Fixup", ["x"] = "Execute", ["d"] = "Drop", ["b"] = "Break", ["q"] = "Close", [""] = "OpenCommit", ["gk"] = "MoveUp", ["gj"] = "MoveDown", [""] = "Submit", [""] = "Abort", ["[c"] = "OpenOrScrollUp", ["]c"] = "OpenOrScrollDown", }, rebase_editor_I = { [""] = "Submit", [""] = "Abort", }, finder = { [""] = "Select", [""] = "Close", [""] = "Close", [""] = "Next", [""] = "Previous", [""] = "Next", [""] = "Previous", [""] = "MultiselectToggleNext", [""] = "MultiselectTogglePrevious", [""] = "NOP", }, -- Setting any of these to `false` will disable the mapping. popup = { ["?"] = "HelpPopup", ["A"] = "CherryPickPopup", ["D"] = "DiffPopup", ["M"] = "RemotePopup", ["P"] = "PushPopup", ["X"] = "ResetPopup", ["Z"] = "StashPopup", ["b"] = "BranchPopup", ["B"] = "BisectPopup", ["c"] = "CommitPopup", ["f"] = "FetchPopup", ["l"] = "LogPopup", ["m"] = "MergePopup", ["p"] = "PullPopup", ["r"] = "RebasePopup", ["v"] = "RevertPopup", ["w"] = "WorktreePopup", }, status = { ["k"] = "MoveUp", ["j"] = "MoveDown", ["q"] = "Close", ["o"] = "OpenTree", ["I"] = "InitRepo", ["1"] = "Depth1", ["2"] = "Depth2", ["3"] = "Depth3", ["4"] = "Depth4", [""] = "Toggle", ["x"] = "Discard", ["s"] = "Stage", ["S"] = "StageUnstaged", [""] = "StageAll", ["K"] = "Untrack", ["u"] = "Unstage", ["U"] = "UnstageStaged", ["$"] = "CommandHistory", ["Y"] = "YankSelected", [""] = "RefreshBuffer", [""] = "GoToFile", [""] = "VSplitOpen", [""] = "SplitOpen", [""] = "TabOpen", ["{"] = "GoToPreviousHunkHeader", ["}"] = "GoToNextHunkHeader", ["[c"] = "OpenOrScrollUp", ["]c"] = "OpenOrScrollDown", }, }, } ```


You can either open Neogit by using the Neogit command:

:Neogit             " Open the status buffer in a new tab
:Neogit cwd=<cwd>   " Use a different repository path
:Neogit cwd=%:p:h   " Uses the repository of the current file
:Neogit kind=<kind> " Open specified popup directly
:Neogit commit      " Open commit popup

Or using the lua api:

local neogit = require('neogit')

-- open using defaults

-- open a specific popup{ "commit" })

-- open as a split{ kind = "split" })

-- open with different project{ cwd = "~" })

The kind option can be one of the following values:


The following popup menus are available from all buffers:

Many popups will use whatever is currently under the cursor or selected as input for an action. For example, to cherry-pick a range of commits from the log view, a linewise visual selection can be made, and using either apply or pick from the cherry-pick menu will use the selection.

This works for just about everything that has an object-ID in git, and if you find one that you think should work but doesn't, open an issue :)

Highlight Groups

See the built-in documentation for a comprehensive list of highlight groups. If your theme doesn't style a particular group, we'll try our best to do a nice job.


Neogit emits the following events:

Event Description Event Data
NeogitStatusRefreshed Status has been reloaded {}
NeogitCommitComplete Commit has been created {}
NeogitPushComplete Push has completed {}
NeogitPullComplete Pull has completed {}
NeogitFetchComplete Fetch has completed {}
NeogitBranchCreate Branch was created, starting from base { branch_name: string, base: string? }
NeogitBranchDelete Branch was deleted { branch_name: string }
NeogitBranchCheckout Branch was checked out { branch_name: string }
NeogitBranchReset Branch was reset to a commit/branch { branch_name: string, resetting_to: string }
NeogitBranchRename Branch was renamed { branch_name: string, new_name: string }
NeogitRebase A rebase finished { commit: string, status: "ok"\|"conflict" }
NeogitReset A branch was reset to a certain commit { commit: string, mode: "soft"\|"mixed"\|"hard"\|"keep"\|"index" }
NeogitTagCreate A tag was placed on a certain commit { name: string, ref: string }
NeogitTagDelete A tag was removed { name: string }
NeogitCherryPick One or more commits were cherry-picked { commits: string[] }
NeogitMerge A merge finished { branch: string, args = string[], status: "ok"\|"conflict" }


Neogit follows semantic versioning.


See for more details.


Thank you to kolja for the Neogit Logo