NeogitOrg / neogit

An interactive and powerful Git interface for Neovim, inspired by Magit
MIT License
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Using the default config from does not work #1323

Closed papricasix closed 1 month ago

papricasix commented 1 month ago


When I use the default config from the, I get an error.

Neovim version

NVIM v0.10.0 Build type: Release LuaJIT 2.1.1713773202 Run "nvim -V1 -v" for more info

Operating system and version

Linux deepblue-arch 6.9.1-zen1-1-zen #1 ZEN SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri, 17 May 2024 16:56:18 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Steps to reproduce

Use the default config from the

Expected behavior

No response

Actual behavior

E5113: Error while calling lua chunk:
====Neogit Configuration Errors====
Neogit has NOT been setup!
You have a misconfiguration in your Neogit setup!
Validate that your configuration passed to `require("neogit").setup()` is valid!
Config value: `mappings.status['#']` had error -> Expected a valid status command, got 'Console'. Valid status commands
: { false, "OpenOrScrollUp", "Untrack", "OpenOrScrollDown", "TabOpen", "SplitOpen", "Depth4", "StageUnstaged", "Unstage
", "GoToNextHunkHeader", "CommandHistory", "UnstageStaged", "Stage", "YankSelected", "GoToPreviousHunkHeader", "VSplitO
pen", "Depth3", "Depth2", "Depth1", "StageAll", "Toggle", "GoToFile", "InitRepo", "ShowRefs", "RefreshBuffer", "Close",
 "Discard" }
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'error'
        ...nvim/site/pack/packer/start/neogit/lua/neogit/config.lua:1119: in function 'setup'
        .../share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/neogit/lua/neogit.lua:75: in function 'setup'
        /home/micha/.config/nvim/lua/user/neogit.lua:9: in main chunk
        [C]: in function 'require'

Minimal config

local neogit = require("neogit")

neogit.setup {
  -- Hides the hints at the top of the status buffer
  disable_hint = false,
  -- Disables changing the buffer highlights based on where the cursor is.
  disable_context_highlighting = false,
  -- Disables signs for sections/items/hunks
  disable_signs = false,
  -- Changes what mode the Commit Editor starts in. `true` will leave nvim in normal mode, `false` will change nvim to
  -- insert mode, and `"auto"` will change nvim to insert mode IF the commit message is empty, otherwise leaving it in
  -- normal mode.
  disable_insert_on_commit = "auto",
  -- When enabled, will watch the `.git/` directory for changes and refresh the status buffer in response to filesystem
  -- events.
  filewatcher = {
    interval = 1000,
    enabled = true,
  -- "ascii"   is the graph the git CLI generates
  -- "unicode" is the graph like
  graph_style = "ascii",
  -- Used to generate URL's for branch popup action "pull request".
  git_services = {
    [""] = "${owner}/${repository}/compare/${branch_name}?expand=1",
    [""] = "${owner}/${repository}/pull-requests/new?source=${branch_name}&t=1",
    [""] = "${owner}/${repository}/merge_requests/new?merge_request[source_branch]=${branch_name}",
  -- Allows a different telescope sorter. Defaults to 'fuzzy_with_index_bias'. The example below will use the native fzf
  -- sorter instead. By default, this function returns `nil`.
  telescope_sorter = function()
    return require("telescope").extensions.fzf.native_fzf_sorter()
  -- Persist the values of switches/options within and across sessions
  remember_settings = true,
  -- Scope persisted settings on a per-project basis
  use_per_project_settings = true,
  -- Table of settings to never persist. Uses format "Filetype--cli-value"
  ignored_settings = {
  -- Configure highlight group features
  highlight = {
    italic = true,
    bold = true,
    underline = true
  -- Set to false if you want to be responsible for creating _ALL_ keymappings
  use_default_keymaps = true,
  -- Neogit refreshes its internal state after specific events, which can be expensive depending on the repository size.
  -- Disabling `auto_refresh` will make it so you have to manually refresh the status after you open it.
  auto_refresh = true,
  -- Value used for `--sort` option for `git branch` command
  -- By default, branches will be sorted by commit date descending
  -- Flag description:
  -- Sorting keys:
  sort_branches = "-committerdate",
  -- Change the default way of opening neogit
  kind = "tab",
  -- Disable line numbers and relative line numbers
  disable_line_numbers = true,
  -- The time after which an output console is shown for slow running commands
  console_timeout = 2000,
  -- Automatically show console if a command takes more than console_timeout milliseconds
  auto_show_console = true,
  status = {
    show_head_commit_hash = true,
    recent_commit_count = 10,
    HEAD_padding = 10,
    mode_padding = 3,
    mode_text = {
      M = "modified",
      N = "new file",
      A = "added",
      D = "deleted",
      C = "copied",
      U = "updated",
      R = "renamed",
      DD = "unmerged",
      AU = "unmerged",
      UD = "unmerged",
      UA = "unmerged",
      DU = "unmerged",
      AA = "unmerged",
      UU = "unmerged",
      ["?"] = "",
  commit_editor = {
    kind = "tab",
    show_staged_diff = true,
    -- Accepted values:
    -- "split" to show the staged diff below the commit editor
    -- "vsplit" to show it to the right
    -- "split_above" Like :top split
    -- "auto" "vsplit" if window would have 80 cols, otherwise "split"
    staged_diff_split_kind = "split"
  commit_select_view = {
    kind = "tab",
  commit_view = {
    kind = "vsplit",
    verify_commit = vim.fn.executable("gpg") == 1, -- Can be set to true or false, otherwise we try to find the binary
  log_view = {
    kind = "tab",
  rebase_editor = {
    kind = "auto",
  reflog_view = {
    kind = "tab",
  merge_editor = {
    kind = "auto",
  tag_editor = {
    kind = "auto",
  preview_buffer = {
    kind = "split",
  popup = {
    kind = "split",
  signs = {
    -- { CLOSED, OPENED }
    hunk = { "", "" },
    item = { ">", "v" },
    section = { ">", "v" },
  -- Each Integration is auto-detected through plugin presence, however, it can be disabled by setting to `false`
  integrations = {
    -- If enabled, use telescope for menu selection rather than
    -- Allows multi-select and some things that doesn't.
    telescope = nil,
    -- Neogit only provides inline diffs. If you want a more traditional way to look at diffs, you can use `diffview`.
    -- The diffview integration enables the diff popup.
    -- Requires you to have `sindrets/diffview.nvim` installed.
    diffview = nil,

    -- If enabled, uses fzf-lua for menu selection. If the telescope integration
    -- is also selected then telescope is used instead
    -- Requires you to have `ibhagwan/fzf-lua` installed.
    fzf_lua = nil,
  sections = {
    -- Reverting/Cherry Picking
    sequencer = {
      folded = false,
      hidden = false,
    untracked = {
      folded = false,
      hidden = false,
    unstaged = {
      folded = false,
      hidden = false,
    staged = {
      folded = false,
      hidden = false,
    stashes = {
      folded = true,
      hidden = false,
    unpulled_upstream = {
      folded = true,
      hidden = false,
    unmerged_upstream = {
      folded = false,
      hidden = false,
    unpulled_pushRemote = {
      folded = true,
      hidden = false,
    unmerged_pushRemote = {
      folded = false,
      hidden = false,
    recent = {
      folded = true,
      hidden = false,
    rebase = {
      folded = true,
      hidden = false,
  mappings = {
    commit_editor = {
      ["q"] = "Close",
      ["<c-c><c-c>"] = "Submit",
      ["<c-c><c-k>"] = "Abort",
    commit_editor_I = {
      ["<c-c><c-c>"] = "Submit",
      ["<c-c><c-k>"] = "Abort",
    rebase_editor = {
      ["p"] = "Pick",
      ["r"] = "Reword",
      ["e"] = "Edit",
      ["s"] = "Squash",
      ["f"] = "Fixup",
      ["x"] = "Execute",
      ["d"] = "Drop",
      ["b"] = "Break",
      ["q"] = "Close",
      ["<cr>"] = "OpenCommit",
      ["gk"] = "MoveUp",
      ["gj"] = "MoveDown",
      ["<c-c><c-c>"] = "Submit",
      ["<c-c><c-k>"] = "Abort",
      ["[c"] = "OpenOrScrollUp",
      ["]c"] = "OpenOrScrollDown",
    rebase_editor_I = {
      ["<c-c><c-c>"] = "Submit",
      ["<c-c><c-k>"] = "Abort",
    finder = {
      ["<cr>"] = "Select",
      ["<c-c>"] = "Close",
      ["<esc>"] = "Close",
      ["<c-n>"] = "Next",
      ["<c-p>"] = "Previous",
      ["<down>"] = "Next",
      ["<up>"] = "Previous",
      ["<tab>"] = "MultiselectToggleNext",
      ["<s-tab>"] = "MultiselectTogglePrevious",
      ["<c-j>"] = "NOP",
    -- Setting any of these to `false` will disable the mapping.
    popup = {
      ["?"] = "HelpPopup",
      ["A"] = "CherryPickPopup",
      ["D"] = "DiffPopup",
      ["M"] = "RemotePopup",
      ["P"] = "PushPopup",
      ["X"] = "ResetPopup",
      ["Z"] = "StashPopup",
      ["b"] = "BranchPopup",
      ["B"] = "BisectPopup",
      ["c"] = "CommitPopup",
      ["f"] = "FetchPopup",
      ["l"] = "LogPopup",
      ["m"] = "MergePopup",
      ["p"] = "PullPopup",
      ["r"] = "RebasePopup",
      ["v"] = "RevertPopup",
      ["w"] = "WorktreePopup",
    status = {
      ["q"] = "Close",
      ["I"] = "InitRepo",
      ["1"] = "Depth1",
      ["2"] = "Depth2",
      ["3"] = "Depth3",
      ["4"] = "Depth4",
      ["<tab>"] = "Toggle",
      ["x"] = "Discard",
      ["s"] = "Stage",
      ["S"] = "StageUnstaged",
      ["<c-s>"] = "StageAll",
      ["K"] = "Untrack",
      ["u"] = "Unstage",
      ["U"] = "UnstageStaged",
      ["$"] = "CommandHistory",
      ["#"] = "Console",
      ["Y"] = "YankSelected",
      ["<c-r>"] = "RefreshBuffer",
      ["<enter>"] = "GoToFile",
      ["<c-v>"] = "VSplitOpen",
      ["<c-x>"] = "SplitOpen",
      ["<c-t>"] = "TabOpen",
      ["{"] = "GoToPreviousHunkHeader",
      ["}"] = "GoToNextHunkHeader",
      ["[c"] = "OpenOrScrollUp",
      ["]c"] = "OpenOrScrollDown",
CKolkey commented 1 month ago

Thanks, forgot to remove the mapping for "console" from it. Done now :)