NeonWizard / SCP-TranquilizerGun

Adds a tranquilizer gun which temporarily ragdolls players.
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csharp plugin scp scpsl server smod2

Tranquilizer Gun

A custom weapon plugin for SCP:SL Smod2 servers that adds a tranquilizer gun. When a player is shot, they are temporarily ragdolled for the duration of the tranquilization. This gun has a configurable limited amount of uses and magazine size, as well as further configurations for weapon damage and fire rate.


  1. Grab the latest release of TranquilizerGun.
  2. Place TranquilizerGun.dll in your server's sm_plugins folder.


Command Description
IMGIVE <playerID> 105 Gives a tranquilizer gun to the player identified by playerID.


Config Option Value Type Default Value Description
tranqgun_enable Bool True Whether TranquilizerGun should be enabled on server start.
tranqgun_use_ghostmode Bool False Instead of teleporting players to the void, make them invisible for the duration of tranquilization. REQUIRES SM_ENABLE_GHOSTMODE
tranqgun_damage Int 0 Damage dealt by the tranquilizer gun.
tranqgun_firerate Float 3 Time (in seconds) between each shot. Can be ignored with magazine size of 1.
tranqgun_magazine Int 1 Amount of shots per magazine.
tranqgun_reserveammo Int 2 Default reserve ammo for each player.
tranqgun_duration Float 5 Time (in seconds) the target is tranquilized for.
tranqgun_spawns RList 096chamber RList of locations to spawn the gun. Valid locations are: 049chamber, 096chamber, 173armory, surfacenuke, nuke, bathrooms.

*Note that all configs should go in your server config file, not config_remoteadmin.txt

Place any suggestions/problems in issues!