Nereziel / cs2-WeaponPaints

GNU General Public License v3.0
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No knife is given #251

Closed lostsoul6 closed 4 months ago

lostsoul6 commented 5 months ago

Hi , after today's game update , I noticed knives are not given . I updated css to latest version but still knives are not given . No player on the server has knife . they have pistol and guns and knives are removed . can you please check ?

asdfxD commented 5 months ago

same here, !ws, !kill, !wp aren't working. i can choose knives, but they only work on new round start


15:43:37 [EROR] (cssharp:Core) Error invoking callback System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> CounterStrikeSharp.API.Core.NativeException: Invalid function pointer at CounterStrikeSharp.API.Core.ScriptContext.CheckErrors() in /home/runner/work/CounterStrikeSharp/CounterStrikeSharp/managed/CounterStrikeSharp.API/Core/ScriptContext.cs:line 176 at CounterStrikeSharp.API.Core.NativeAPI.ExecuteVirtualFunction[T](IntPtr function, Object[] arguments) in /home/runner/work/CounterStrikeSharp/CounterStrikeSharp/managed/CounterStrikeSharp.API/Core/API.cs:line 1059 at CounterStrikeSharp.API.Modules.Memory.DynamicFunctions.BaseMemoryFunction.InvokeInternal[T](Object[] args) in /home/runner/work/CounterStrikeSharp/CounterStrikeSharp/managed/CounterStrikeSharp.API/Modules/Memory/DynamicFunctions/BaseMemoryFunction.cs:line 72 at CounterStrikeSharp.API.Modules.Memory.DynamicFunctions.MemoryFunctionWithReturn`7.Invoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6) in /home/runner/work/CounterStrikeSharp/CounterStrikeSharp/managed/CounterStrikeSharp.API/Modules/Memory/DynamicFunctions/MemoryFunctionWithReturn.cs:line 154 at CounterStrikeSharp.API.Core.CCSPlayerController.GiveNamedItem(String item) in /home/runner/work/CounterStrikeSharp/CounterStrikeSharp/managed/CounterStrikeSharp.API/Core/Model/CCSPlayerController.cs:line 26 at WeaponPaints.WeaponPaints.<>cDisplayClass21_0.b__0() in /home/runner/work/cs2-WeaponPaints/cs2-WeaponPaints/WeaponAction.cs:line 169 at InvokeStub_Action.Invoke(Object, Object, IntPtr*) at System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker.InvokeWithNoArgs(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker.InvokeWithNoArgs(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr) at System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args) at CounterStrikeSharp.API.Core.FunctionReference.b18_0(fxScriptContext* context) in /home/runner/work/CounterStrikeSharp/CounterStrikeSharp/managed/CounterStrikeSharp.API/Core/FunctionReference.cs:line 100

lostsoul6 commented 5 months ago

@daffyyyy after updating to the latest WP version and latest css , I'm getting the following error :


lostsoul6 commented 5 months ago

@asdfxD cs2 and also css have been updated today . perhaps those updates messed up WP plugin . need @daffyyyy to have a look but I think my error and your error is actually the same !

lostsoul6 commented 5 months ago

@daffyyyy the new update has not solved the error I sent in the screenshot above . using latest WP version and latest css version .