Nereziel / cs2-WeaponPaints

GNU General Public License v3.0
172 stars 43 forks source link

CS2 Weapon Paints


Unfinished, unoptimized and not fully functional ugly demo weapon paints plugin for CSSharp.

Created Discord server where you can discuss about plugin.

Consider to donate instead of buying from unknown sources.

ko-fi or Donate on Steam


CS2 Server

Plugin Configuration

Click to expand
    "Version": 4, // Don't touch
    "DatabaseHost": "", // MySQL host
    "DatabasePort": 3306, // MySQL port
    "DatabaseUser": "", // MySQL username
    "DatabasePassword": "", // MySQL user password
    "DatabaseName": "", // MySQL database name
    "CmdRefreshCooldownSeconds": 60, // Cooldown time in refreshing skins (!wp command)
    "Prefix": "[WeaponPaints]", // Prefix every chat message
    "Website": "", // Website used in WebsiteMessageCommand (!ws command)
"Messages": {
    "WebsiteMessageCommand": "Visit {WEBSITE} where you can change skins.", // Information about website where player can change skins (!ws command) Set to empty to disable
    "SynchronizeMessageCommand": "Type !wp to synchronize chosen skins.", // Information about skins refreshing (!ws command) Set to empty to disable
    "KnifeMessageCommand": "Type !knife to open knife menu.", // Information about knife menu (!ws command) Set to empty to disable
    "CooldownRefreshCommand": "You can\u0027t refresh weapon paints right now.", // Cooldown information (!wp command) Set to empty to disable
    "SuccessRefreshCommand": "Refreshing weapon paints.", // Information about refreshing skins (!wp command) Set to empty to disable
    "ChosenKnifeMenu": "You have chosen {KNIFE} as your knife.", // Information about choosen knife (!knife command) Set to empty to disable
    "ChosenSkinMenu": "You have chosen {SKIN} as your skin.", // Information about choosen skin (!skins command) Set to empty to disable
    "ChosenKnifeMenuKill": "To correctly apply skin for knife, you need to type !kill.", // Information about suicide after knife selection (!knife command) Set to empty to disable
    "KnifeMenuTitle": "Knife Menu.",  // Menu title (!knife menu)
    "WeaponMenuTitle": "Weapon Menu.", // Menu title (!skins menu)
    "SkinMenuTitle": "Select skin for {WEAPON}" // Menu title (!skins menu, after weapon select)
"Additional": {
    "KnifeEnabled": true, // Enable or disable knife feature
    "SkinEnabled": true, // Enable or disable skin feature
    "CommandWpEnabled": true, // Enable or disable refreshing command
    "CommandKillEnabled": true, // Enable or disable kill command
    "CommandKnife": "knife", // Name of knife menu command, u can change to for e.g, knives
    "CommandSkin": "ws", // Name of skin information command, u can change to for e.g, skins
    "CommandSkinSelection": "skins", // Name of skins menu command, u can change to for e.g, weapons
    "CommandRefresh": "wp", // Name of skin refreshing command, u can change to for e.g, refreshskins
    "CommandKill": "kill", // Name of kill command, u can change to for e.g, suicide
    "GiveRandomKnife": false,  // Give random knife to players if they didn't choose
    "GiveRandomSkins": false  // Give random skins to players if they didn't choose

"ConfigVersion": 4  // Don't touch

Web install

Web Features


**Skins are not changing:** Set FollowCSGOGuidelines to false in cssharp’s core.jcon config **Database error table does not exists:** Plugin is not loaded or configured with mysql credentials. Tables are auto-created by plugin.

Use this plugin at your own risk! Using this may lead to GSLT ban or something else Valve come with. Valve Server guidelines

