IonQuant is a fast and comprehensive tool for MS1 precursor intensity-based quantification for timsTOF PASEF DDA and non-timsTOF (e.g., Orbitrap) data. It enables label-free quantification with false discovery (FDR) controlled match-between-runs (MBR). It can also be used for quantification in labelling-based experiments such as those involving SILAC, dimethyl, or similar labelling strategies. IonQuant is available as part of FragPipe.
folder from the latest MSFragger.Note: Bruker's native library needs Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017 in Windows. If you see an error saying cannot find Bruker native library, please try to install the Visual C++ redistibutable.
The latest IonQuant can be downloaded from here.
Changelog can be found from here.
java -jar IonQuant.jar
to print the help document.Usage:
java -jar IonQuant.jar <options> --specdir <one directory to the spectral files> --psm <path to psm.tsv file> --psm <path to psm.tsv file>...
java -jar IonQuant.jar <options> --filelist <path to filelist file>
--specdir <string> # Directory containing the spectral files (d/mzml/mzxml/raw/quantindex). One --specdir indicates one spectral directory and can have multiple --specdir.
--perform-ms1quant 0/1 # Perform MS1 quantification. 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default: 1
--perform-isoquant 0/1 # Perform isobaric labeling quantification. 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default: 0
--isotol <float> # MS2 tolerance in ppm. Default: 10
--isolevel <int> # Isobaric quantification level. 2 = MS2, 3 = MS3. Default: 2
--isotype <string> # Isobaric quantification type. Case insensitive. Support iTRAQ-4, iTRAQ-8, TMT-0, TMT-2, TMT-6, TMT-10, TMT-11, TMT-16, TMT-18, sCLIP-6, iBT-16, DiLeu-12, DiLeu-1. Default: TMT-10
--annotation <string> # Annotation file info for the isobaric quantification. Format: <path to psm.tsv>=<path to annotation file>. One --annotation indicates one annotation file and can have multiple --annotation. Default: <blank>
--site-reports 0/1 # Generate site reports. 0 = no, 1 = yes. The psm.tsv need to have the modification localization modification columns. Default: 1
--msstats 0/1 # Generate MSstats input files. 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default: 0
--threads <integer> # Number of threads. 0 = all logical cores. Default: 0
--mztol <float> # MS1 tolerance in PPM. Default: 10.0
--imtol <float> # 1/K0 tolerance. Default: 0.05
--rttol <float> # Retention time tolerance. Unit: min. Default: 0.4
--psm <string> # Path to Philosopher's psm.tsv. One --psm indicates one psm.tsv and can have multiple --psm.
--multidir <string> # Output directory for the multi-experimental result. Optional. Default: <blank>
--normalization 0/1 # Normalize the intensities across all runs. Default: 1
--minisotopes 1/2/3 # Minimum isotopes required in feature extraction. Default: 2
--minscans <integer> # Minimum MS1 scans required in feature extraction. Default: 3
--minions <integer> # Minimum ions required in quantifying proteins. Only for MaxLFQ intensity. Default: 1
--excludemods <string> # Excluded modifications in quantifying peptide sequences and proteins. Format: <amino acid><mass>;... Default: <blank>
--maxlfq 0/1 # Calculate MaxLFQ intensity. 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default: 1
--ibaq 0/1 # [experimental] Calculate iBAQ intensity. The iBAQ intensity is normalized by the protein length, not the number of theoretical peptides. 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default: 0
--minexps <int> # Minimum experiments in picking an ion for quantifying proteins. Only for intensity, not for MaxLFQ intensity. Default: 1
--minfreq <float> # Minimum required frequency of an ion being selected for protein quantification. Only for intensity, not for MaxLFQ intensity. Default: 0
--tp <int> # Number of ions used in quantifying each protein. If 0, using all ions. For intensity, not for MaxLFQ intensity. Default: 0
--mbr 0/1 # Perform match-between-runs. Default: 0
--mbrrttol <float> # Retention time tolerance used in match-between-runs. Unit: min. Default: 1.0
--mbrimtol <float> # 1/K0 tolerance used in match-between-runs. Default: 0.05
--mbrtoprun <integer> # Maximum number of donor runs for each acceptor run. Default: 10
--mbrmincorr <float> # Minimum correlation coefficient between a donor run and its acceptor run. Default: 0
--ionmobility 0/1 # The data has ion mobility information or not (for conventional LC-MS data). Default: 0
--ionfdr <float> # Transferred ion false discovery rate threshold. Default: 0.01
--peptidefdr <float> # Transferred peptide false discovery rate threshold. Default: 1
--proteinfdr <float> # Transferred protein false discovery rate threshold. Default: 1
--light <string> # Light labelling mass. Format: <amino acids><mass>;<amino acids><mass>;... Optional. Default: <blank>
--medium <string> # Medium labelling mass. Format: <amino acids><mass>;<amino acids><mass>;... Optional. Default: <blank>
--heavy <string> # Heavy labelling mass. Format: <amino acids><mass>;<amino acids><mass>;... Optional. Default: <blank>
--requantify 0/1 # Re-quantify unidentified feature based on identified feature. Only activate when --light, --medium, or --heavy is not empty. Default: 1
--writeindex 0/1 # Write indexed file on disk for further usage. 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default: 0
--locprob <float> # Localization probability threshold. Default: 0
--filelist <string> # A file containing flags. Default: <blank>
--uniqueness 0/1/2 # Peptide-protein uniqueness. 0 = unique+razor, 1 = unique only, 2 = all. Default: 0
--modlist <string> # A file lists modification masses. Those masses are used to remove the mass discrepancy due to rounding errors. Default: <blank>
Fast quantitative analysis of timsTOF PASEF data with MSFragger and IonQuant
Fengchao Yu, Sarah E. Haynes, Guo Ci Teo, Dmitry M. Avtonomov, Daniel A. Polasky, Alexey I. Nesvizhskii
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 19 (2020), 1575-1585, DOI: 10.1074/mcp.TIR120.002048
IonQuant Enables Accurate and Sensitive Label-Free Quantification With FDR-Controlled Match-Between-Runs
Fengchao Yu, Sarah E. Haynes, Alexey I. Nesvizhskii
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 20 (2021), 100077, DOI: 10.1016/j.mcpro.2021.100077