Netflix / suro

Netflix's distributed Data Pipeline
Apache License 2.0
794 stars 170 forks source link

Suro: Netflix's Data Pipeline

Suro is a data pipeline service for collecting, aggregating, and dispatching large volume of application events including log data. It has the following features:

Learn more about Suro on the Suro Wiki and the Netflix TechBlog post where Suro was introduced.

Master Build Status

Pull Request Build Status


NetflixGraph is built via Gradle ( To build from the command line:

./gradlew build

See the build.gradle file for other gradle targets, like distTar, distZip, installApp, and runServer.

Running the server

You can run the server locally by just running ./gradlew runServer.

More more advanced usage you may wish to run ./gradlew installApp and then:

cd suro-server
java -cp "build/install/suro-server/lib/*" -m conf/routingmap.json -s conf/sink.json -i conf/input.json

To enable basic logging you can downloaded slf4j-simple-1.7.7.jar and copy it into suro-server then run:

cd suro-server
java -cp "build/install/suro-server/lib/*:slf4j-simple-1.7.7.jar" -m conf/routingmap.json -s conf/sink.json -i conf/input.json


We will use the Google Group, Suro Users, to discuss issues:!forum/suro-users