NethermindEth / metrics-infrastructure

Metrics Infrastracture sample then can be used to monitor your running Nethermind nodes
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Importing Grafana nethermind.json throws error message #1

Open hdelatorre opened 2 years ago

hdelatorre commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to setup prometheus/grafana to gather metrics without using the pushgateway.

I believe these options would allow for that:

/nethermind/Nethermind.Runner --HealthChecks.Enabled true --HealthChecks.UIEnabled true --Metrics.Enabled true --Metrics.ExposePort 5054

I then add the target in prometheus. However, when I try to add the Nethermind.json file in Grafana it gets added but displays this error message:

Templating [enode] Error updating options: invalid parameter "match[]": match[] must contain at least one non-empty matcher

How do I fix this issue? or is the pushgateway a requirement ?

mb-shorai commented 2 years ago

@hdelatorre did you manage to solve the issue?

hdelatorre commented 2 years ago

@mb-shorai I didn't

mb-shorai commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the reply, I managed to solve it without Pushgateway on Kubernetes by using the Nethermind chart and Grafana dashboards from the repo.

hdelatorre commented 2 years ago

thanks will try it.

bokobza commented 1 year ago

@hdelatorre you need to download Prometheus PushGateway from here and then put the following in your prometheus.yml file:

  - job_name: 'pushgateway'
    honor_labels: true
    - targets: ['localhost:9091']
gareys commented 1 year ago

Hey! This is still an issue. I've tried @bokobza's suggestion to update the prometheus.yml, but I still have "no data" for all nethermind dashboards and I see this error when updating the JSON invalid parameter "match[]": match[] must contain at least one non-empty matcher.

gareys commented 1 year ago

@hdelatorre Did you ever figure out the issue?

chrisemmanuel17 commented 2 months ago

@gareys I'm also facing the same issue too

erussotto commented 1 month ago

I was facing this issue but I could fix thanks to this answer (check the update)