NethermindEth / metrics-infrastructure

Metrics Infrastracture sample then can be used to monitor your running Nethermind nodes
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Nethermind Metrics Docs


Quick Guide

  1. Clone this repository and move into the project folder.
  2. Open Grafana config file and edit admin username and password for additional security.
  3. Execute docker compose up -d.
  4. Configure and launch Nethermind client with the following flag --Metrics.PushGatewayUrl=http://localhost:9091 or use the environment variable NETHERMIND_METRICSCONFIG_PUSHGATEWAYURL set to http://localhost:9091.
  5. Open your local Grafana on your browser and login with your configured username and password.


By default the monitoring services are only exposed to the localhost( interface. To expose these services to another interfaces follow these steps:

  1. Create a copy of the env.example file named .env.
  2. Edit the .env file and set the desired interface to be used for each service. Use for all interfaces.
    • Change NETHERMIND_PROMETHEUS_HOST to update Prometheus interface.
    • Change NETHERMIND_PUSHGATEWAY_HOST to update Prometheus Pushgateway interface.
    • Change NETHERMIND_GRAFANA_HOST to update Grafana interface.
  3. Execute docker compose up -d.

In case any of these interfaces are exposed to the internet(ie. using be sure to restrict access to the services by using a firewall.