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Netmera iOS SDK Quick Start Guide

Welcome to the Netmera iOS SDK Quick Start Guide. This guide provides a step-by-step tutorial for integrating the Netmera iOS SDK into your iOS app.



  1. Add Netmera to your Podfile

    pod "NetmeraAnalytic" // to use Netmera analytic features
    #pod "NetmeraAnalyticAutotracking" // to use auto tracking features
    #pod "NetmeraNotification" // to use Netmera push notification features
    #pod "NetmeraAdvertisingId" // to use Netmera advertising identifier features
    #pod "NetmeraLocation" // to use Netmera location features
    #pod "NetmeraGeofence" // to use Netmera geofence features
    #pod "NetmeraNotificationInbox" // to use Netmera push inbox features
  2. Run pod install command in your terminal.


  1. Import the Netmera framework in your AppDelegate.swift file:
import NetmeraAnalytic
import NetmeraNotification
import NetmeraLocation
import NetmeraNotificationInbox
import NetmeraAdvertisingId
  1. Initialize Netmera in your App.

There are two ways to initialize Netmera.

First Option: (Recommended)

Configure with Plist. Add Netmera-Config.plist file to your project. Copy the following code into the Plist file and replacing the API_KEY placeholders with your actual API Key value.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
        <string>{hexcolor. For ex-&gt; 16777215}</string>
        <string>{hexcolor. For ex-&gt; 16777215}</string>
        <string>{hexcolor. For ex-&gt; 16777215}</string>
        <string>{hexcolor. For ex-&gt; 16777215}</string>
        <string>{font family name. ex -&gt; ariel}</string>
        <string>{font family name. ex -&gt; ariel}</string>
        <string>{10 sd px}</string>
        <string>{between 0.01 - 1}</string>

Call Netmera initialize method in your application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method.


Second Option:

Add the following code to your application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method, replacing the API_KEY placeholders with your actual API Key value:

let netmeraParams = NetmeraParams(
  apiKey: "API_KEY",
  baseUrl: "", // Optional; For On-premise setup
  appGroupName: "", // Optional; to use carousel&slider push
  customEvents: [CustomLoginEvent.self] // Optional; give list of all custom event class type
Netmera.initialize(params: netmeraParams)
Netmera.setLogLevel(.debug) // Options can be .debug, .info, .error, .fault

SDK_API_KEY : You can get that api key from Developers -> API -> Sdk Api Key from your web panel.

Push Notifications

In your pod file, you should add NetmeraNotification and install to your app target like this;

pod "NetmeraNotification"

Request push notification authorization from user by calling the following method in an appropriate place:

Netmera.requestPushNotificationAuthorization(for: [.alert, .badge, .sound])

Calling this method will immediately prompt push notification permission dialog to user, therefore it's important for you to call this method after you informed user about how your application will utilize push notifications.

‼️ If you receive a push permission request from a push provider such as Apple, it is important to call the appropriate method in order for the Netmera SDK to handle interactive push buttons correctly. Failure to do so may result in these buttons not being properly handled by the SDK.

Enable Push Notifications

Enable Push Notifications from Signing & Capabilities -> Capability -> Push Notifications in Xcode.

//in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
// ‼️ Implement UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate methods in AppDelegate
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = self
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {

Advanced Push Notification Management

Push Notification Delegate Methods

Unless you need special use cases, Netmera handles all UIApplicationDelegate methods related to remote notifications, so you do not need to implement them in your App Delegate class.

However, if your application has use cases that require a custom implementation on remote notification delegate methods, you can freely implement them and perform your specific logic inside these delegate methods.

You can find detailed information about the delegate methods related to push notifications in UIApplicationDelegate Protocol Reference

Accessing NetmeraPushObject Inside Delegate Methods
SDK provides [Netmera recentPushObject]/Netmera.recentPushObject() method which returns the object representation of the remote notification payload. You can use this method to access the NetmeraPushObject instance corresponding to the remote notification inside your UIApplicationDelegate methods.

Disable/Enable Popups , In App Messages and Widgets

When a popup notification or an in app message is received by the SDK, it immediately presents the corresponding web view content if the application is in foreground state. If application is in background state when popup is received, SDK presents the web view content whenever application comes to foreground state.

You may want to disable this immediate presentation behavior for cases like when your users watch a video, when they are in the middle of their favorite game level, or when they are about to finish purchasing their order. You use the following two methods to manage this process:

Netmera.setEnabledPopupPresentation(true) // to enable showing popup and widget push 
Netmera.setEnabledPopupPresentation(false) // to disable showing popup and widget push

Netmera.setEnabledInAppMessagePresentation(true) // to enable showing banner push 
Netmera.setEnabledInAppMessagePresentation(false) // to disable showing banner push 

⚠️ If you want to recieve popups or in app messages while application is in background, you should enable Remote Notifications at Background Modes from Capabilities.

⚠️ Also device cannot receive popups or in app messages while application is closed and killed while low battery mode is on. Because that mode disable background application refresh mode.

Using Media Push

First you should create a new Notification Service Extension to your application. In order to do that, you should Follow those steps:

class NotificationService: NotificationServiceExtension { override func didReceive(_ request: UNNotificationRequest, withContentHandler contentHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationContent) -> Void) { super.didReceive(request, withContentHandler: contentHandler) }

override func serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire() { super.serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire() } }

In your pod file, you should add `NetmeraNotificationServiceExtension` and install to your extension target like this.
pod "NetmeraNotificationServiceExtension"

⚠️ As an addition, if you want to allow your application to receive http media contents, you should do that change:

  • Click Info.plist under NotificationService Extension
  • Add App Transport Security Settings
  • Under App Transport Security Settings add Allow Arbitrary Loads and set it YES

Using Carousel / Slider and Thumbnail Push

First you should create a new Notification Content Extension to your application. In order to do that, you should Follow those steps:

import UserNotifications
import UserNotificationsUI
import NetmeraNotificationContentExtension

class NotificationViewController: NotificationContentExtension {
  override func viewDidLoad() {

  override func didReceive(_ notification: UNNotification) {

In your pod file, you should add NetmeraNotificationContentExtension and install to your extension target like this.

pod "NetmeraNotificationContentExtension"

‼️ Default label in MainInterface should be deleted.

⚠️ As an addition, if you want to allow your application to receive http media contents, you should do that change:

  • Click Info.plist under Notification Content Extension
  • Add App Transport Security Settings
  • Under App Transport Security Settings add Allow Arbitrary Loads and set it YES


Internal Events

By default, Netmera SDK automatically tracks and reports the following behaviors about application usage:

Other than default event tracking, SDK provides a rich set of built-in event classes which you can use to report users' corresponding behaviors inside your application.

Rather than accepting unstructured information inside events, SDK requires a predefined set of constraint related to attributes of events and their data types by means of these NetmeraEvent subclasses. This approach enables Netmera to verify type of the given event attributes, and force some attributes for a particular event type. These restrictions are crucial for providing reliable data during event analytics operations on Netmera servers.

You send events easily with the following code pattern:

// Generate event instance
// This can be any NetmeraEvent subclass
let event = NetmeraLoginEvent(userId: "user_id")

Below is the list of all built-in event classes — categorized by use cases — and their sample usage:

If events provided by the SDK do not completely satisfy your needs, you can also generate your own event classes using Netmera Dashboard. If the custom event is to be created on the Netmera, it must first be defined in the panel.
You may extend your custom event subclass from one of the built-in event subclasses, or from the base NetmeraEvent class. You can select the data type of the parameters, make them array or set them as mandatory. If you do not send a mandatory parameter you will get error(bad request) and your request will be rejected.

You can follow Developers -> Events and click the Create New Event button to generate your custom event. In the end, Netmera Dashboard will automatically generate source files for your custom event, so that you can just add them to your project and use without any hassle.

After you add the source files to your project, you can fire that custom event.

Geofence & Location

In your pod file, you should add NetmeraLocation and NetmeraGeofence then install to your app target like this;

pod "NetmeraLocation"
pod "NetmeraGeofence"

By default, Netmera SDK does not gather any location information from device. If you want to use Netmera features requiring location information such as geofence messages and filtering target users by location, you must enable location tracking for your application.

For using location to targeting your users, you should enable Location History from the web panel. In order to do that, follow Developers -> App Info -> App Config -> Location History Enabled.

Enable Location Tracking for Your Application

Add appropriate authorization strings to your application target's Info.plist file

Request Location Authorization

Request location authorization from user by calling the following method in an appropriate place:


⚠️ You can set max regions for Geofence with setNetmeraMaxActiveRegions method. If you set max active regions' number greater than 20 or smaller than 0, it will be set as the default which is 20.


Use NetmeraUser class to send information about your application's users to Netmera in a structured way. Typical place to inform Netmera about application user's attributes is after your users has logged in to your application.

Setting Attributes

After you have information about your user, you should create a NetmeraUser object, set values, then call [Netmera updateUser:] method like below

var user = NetmeraUser()
user.userId = userId = name
user.surname = surname = email
Netmera.updateUser(user: user)

⚠️ userId cannot be removed even if you set nil to it.

Adding Custom Attributes to User

Similar to events, you can generate a custom NetmeraUser subclass using Netmera Dashboard if the set of built-in attributes is not enough for use case.

If the custom attribute is to be created on the Netmera, it must first be defined in the panel.(Developers-Profile Attributes)

Netmera will automatically generate the source files for your custom user class, so that you can easily use them to send information about your custom attributes.

Tracking Transparency

In your pod file, you should add NetmeraAdId and install to your app target like this;

pod "NetmeraAdId"

Request user authorization to access app-related data for tracking the user or the device.


The authorization prompts will be showed to user for Netmera to access device advertisingIdentifier.

To enable or disable tracking transparency within the app, you can use the following code:

Netmera.setAuthorizedAdvertisingIdentifier(authorized: true) // to enable tracking transparency within app
Netmera.setAuthorizedAdvertisingIdentifier(authorized: false) // to disable tracking transparency within app

For more information visit the

Deep Linking

When you send a push notification with custom actions buttons, you may redirect users to any custom page or view in your app by specifying deep links as custom actions button URLs. To do so, you will first need to create a URL scheme ( your_deeplink_scheme://) in your project.
Using Xcode edit your Info.plist file:
• Add a new key URL types. Xcode will automatically make this an array containing a dictionary called Item 0.
• Within Item 0, add a key URL identifier. Set the value to your custom scheme.
• Within Item 0, add a key URL Schemes. This will automatically be an array containing a string called Item 0.
• Set URL Schemes » Item 0 to your custom scheme.
When you are done, you may confirm that your new URL scheme has been added to your app's Info.plist file.

func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey: Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
    print("openUrl: \(url)")
    return true

Universal Link

To detect the universal link provided by Netmera push actions, which typically takes the form of https://your_domain/scheme?query, you need to implement a custom handler in your iOS app. Specifically, you should add the following code to your didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method and make sure that your AppDelegate conforms to the NetmeraPushDelegate protocol:

//in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
// Implement NetmeraPushDelegate in your AppDelegate

Then, you can handle the universal link by implementing the following two delegate methods:

func shouldHandleOpenURL(_ url: URL, for pushObject: NetmeraBasePush) -> Bool {
    if == "your_domain" {
        return true
    return false

func handleOpenURL(_ url: URL, for pushObject: NetmeraBasePush) {
    print("openUrl \(url)")

You should check the given URL's whether you want to take an action in the shouldHandleOpenURL and returns true if you want to handle. Then the handleOpenURL method is called when URL is triggered with the Netmera push actions, and you can use it to perform the appropriate action based on the URL's contents.


In your pod file, you should add NetmeraNotificationInbox and install to your app target like this;

pod "NetmeraNotificationInbox"

If your application needs information about the push notifications that are previously sent to device by Netmera, you can use NetmeraInbox class to fetch that information from Netmera.

The most common use case for this would be to show the list of notifications inside your application in an inbox-style interface.

NetmeraInbox is the core class providing methods and properties needed for operations on push notifications like fetching push objects or updating push objects' status, but you can not directly initialize a NetmeraInbox instance. You get an instance from SDK, then operate on that instance for future inbox actions. Here is the common workflow to use inbox feature of Netmera.

1. Determine properties of push notifications to fetch

You must first define filtering properties by creating a NetmeraInboxFilter instance. You determine which push notifications will be included in the fetched list by setting related properties of this NetmeraInboxFilter instance.

NetmeraInboxFilter class provides filtering according to the following options:

// 1. Define inbox manager
var  inboxManager: NetmeraInboxManager?
// 2. Create filter for fetching inbox
let filter = NetmeraInboxFilter(status: status,
                                pageSize: 10,
                                shouldIncludeExpiredObjects: true,
                                categories: ["category_names"] //Optional
// 3. Crete inbox manager instance
self.inboxManager = Netmera.inboxManager(with: filter)

2. Fetch the first page and get the NetmeraInbox instance

Now, you can request from Netmera to return the list of push notification objects matching with the filter object using the following code:

inboxManager?.inbox(callback: { result in
    // List inbox

3. Update the status of push notifications

Push notifications may have 3 different states, which are the following:

These three states allows you to implement a simple notification inbox interface for your users where they can read messages, mark previously read message as unread, delete messages and restore them again if needed.

You can make transitions among states for push notifications inside inbox using -updateStatus:forPushObjects:completion: method. Calling this method will start an asynchronous request to update status for given push objects, and given completion block will be called upon the result of the request.

Here is a sample implementation which deleted the first 5 push objects from inbox:

// To update status of given push objects
inboxManager?.updateStatus(status, for: [object]) { result in
    // List inbox

// To update status of all push objects
inboxManager?.updateStatusForAllPushObjects(status) { result in
    // List inbox

4. Fetch more pages

If you set a custom pageSize value as a filtering option, result of the first fetch operation may not contain all push objects which matches with the given filtering criteria. In this case, you can fetch next chunk of objects using the following code:

inboxManager?.nextPage(callback: { result in
    // List inbox

NetmeraInbox instance returned as the result of -fetchInboxUsingFilter:completion: method stores the fetched list of objects incrementally. Specifically, inbox.objects property will include all list of objects fetched until that time. For instance, if you set pageSize as 10, and fetch 3 pages in total (one with -fetchInboxUsingFilter:completion:, two with -fetchNextPageWithCompletionBlock:), inbox.objects array will contain all 30 objects in these 3 pages. Therefore, you can solely rely on this array while showing push notifications to your users inside a table view or collection view.

If operation fails for some reason, completion block will be called with a nonnull error parameter describing the reasons of failure.

If you call this method when there is no more page left, method immediately calls completion block with an appropriate error.

ℹ️ You can check if you have fetched all pages via hasNextPage property of NetmeraInbox instance. It will have value NO when all pages have been fetched.

Get count of push notifications according to status

You can show your users information about total count of push notifications according to inbox status using -countForStatus: method like this:


5. Light fetching

// TODO:


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