Neural-Systems-at-UIO / LocaliZoom

Localizoom viewer
MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link

Add LZ as webapp in the collab #1

Closed Majpuc closed 6 months ago

Majpuc commented 1 year ago

LZ as image annotation tool with export of point coordinates compatible with MeshView

Majpuc commented 1 year ago

When saving the points in LZ, "save" generates a LZ files that can be opened in MeshView, but "save as" generates a zip file that is not recognized by MeshView. Can the redundant "save as" be removed ? image

Tevemadar commented 1 year ago

Export overlays button is removed from LocaliZoom now, that's the one which can generate .zip file, which is meant for Nutil, and contains no point clouds. Now it appears in WebWarp only.