NeverOnTimeSdnBhd / Delivery-Instances

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My greedy search's tour isn't looking exactly the same as the sample result provided. #12

Open mekukun opened 3 years ago

mekukun commented 3 years ago

Hi, NeverOnTimeSdnBhd.

I've tried your instances but most of my results aren't the same as the sample results provided. Let's take n10-c43-a.txt as example, my generated tour is :

***** Greedy Search *****
Vehicle : 1
Capacity : 14
Cost : 178.01123560045303
0 --> 1 --> 0

Vehicle : 2
Capacity : 37
Cost : 268.82165856974285
0 --> 4 --> 3 --> 0

Vehicle : 3
Capacity : 24
Cost : 216.90550938138938
0 --> 7 --> 0

Vehicle : 4
Capacity : 42
Cost : 263.21094202179364
0 --> 6 --> 0

Vehicle : 5
Capacity : 39
Cost : 306.9397334982879
0 --> 8 --> 0

Vehicle : 6
Capacity : 42
Cost : 461.51342131561523
0 --> 2 --> 5 --> 0

Vehicle : 7
Capacity : 34
Cost : 415.24932269661804
0 --> 9 --> 0

Tour Cost : 2110.6518230839

As shown above, there are some slight difference including the tour cost. However, for instance n11-c52-a.txt, my result is identical to the sample result given.

The question is, are those sample results absolute? Or will the examiners accept variants?

NeverOnTimeSdnBhd commented 3 years ago


As I mentioned in other issues, don't too 'care' about getting same results as my sample results, they are just a reference. As long as you can you can justify why the result given is like that I think all examiners should be fine with it.

For the Greedy search, even I mention should always explore the shortest cost node first, but the result will still vary depend on how you search route for different vehicles so there might be some variants there.

There is only one thing must be correct is that for your Basic Simulation if the searching do not exceed time limit it should return the lowest cost tour.