NeverOnTimeSdnBhd / Delivery-Instances

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Last Update (13 June)

  1. Tomorrow is the submission deadline so please don't forget to submit your assignment.
  2. I have a suggestion for project sharing, for more information please read:


  1. Welcome to WIA1002/WIB1002 Data Structure course Session 2020/2021 Semester 2 Group Project 2!
  2. This project is about exploring different methods to search for a best route with limited time!
  3. I believe it will definitely benefit you as most of the time you would be facing resource limit issue (time/memory) in real word cases thus most of the time theoretical searching algorithm taught in the class are not that useful.
  4. As mentioned in the question, should you have any problem please don't hesitate to raise an issue here.
  5. Good luck and have fun on this project!

File Structures

├── greedy  
|   └──  
├── instances    
|   ├──
|   ├── nx-cy.txt  
|   └── ...  
├── mcts  
|   └── pseudo-code.txt  
├── update    
|   ├── DS Assignment_Delivery Route.pdf
|   └──
Folder/File Descriptions
greedy Folder contains one markdown file to explain what the greedy simulation means in the question.
instances Resource folder that contains all test sets you can play with.
mcts Folder contains pseudocode for MCTS algorithm. In future if I have any resources want to share regarding MCTS I will put in this folder as well.
update Folder contains original question pdf and one markdown file for any update on question or further clarification made. The document you are currently reading.

