Nevon / serverless-pg-migrations

Trigger Postgres migrations from AWS Lambda with Serverless ⚡️
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Serverless PG Migrations

Database migrations for AWS Lambda and RDS using Sequelize Migrations.


This Serverless plugin can execute and rollback database migrations after deploys. See Usage

Heavily inspired by transmogrify. I tried to use it but encountered a lot of showstopping bugs for me, so I wrote my own, smaller and simpler version.

Notable differences from transmogrify:


The plugin assumes that migration files live in a migrations directory inside your project.

For details on using migrations please see the Sequelize Migration docs.


yarn add serverless-pg-migrations OR npm install serverless-pg-migrations


Define a migration handler somewhere in your project. Example:

// /migrations.js

const { up, down } = require("serverless-pg-migrations/handlers");

module.exports.up = up;

module.exports.down = down;

Add the plugin and handlers to your serverless.yml:

  name: aws

  - serverless-pg-migrations

  handler: migrations.up
  timeout: 30
    DATABASE_URL: postgres://
  handler: migrations.down
  timeout: 30
    DATABASE_URL: postgres://

Pass the function to the serverless deploy command to have it execute after the deploy is finished:

sls deploy --function up

You can also manually invoke the functions locally:

sls invoke local --function up

Or use the plugin directly without going through your function:

sls migrate up
sls migrate down


The provided migration handlers can be imported with const { up, down} = require("serverless-pg-migrations/handlers").

The functions need to have the environment variable DATABASE_URL set to a valid pg connection uri.