AutoViaUpdater is a plugin for Spigot/Bungeecord/Velocity that automates the updating of Vias such as ViaVersion, ViaRewind, ViaBackwards, and ViaRewind-Legacy.
Spigot Link:
Compatible with Minecraft versions 1.8 and higher for both Spigot/Velocity/Bungeecord, including the latest versions.
Automatically downloads successful builds of ViaVersion, ViaBackwards, ViaRewind, and ViaRewind-Legacy-Support, as well as their dev versions, from Jenkins.
Config.yml that allows you to specify which Vias to update and whether to use the dev version of each plugin.
/updatevias command to force update checker for all vias! (autoviaupdater.admin permission!)
AutoViaUpdater is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.