NewCreature / Allegro-Legacy

Make Your Allegro 4 Programs Run On Modern Systems Using Allegro 5
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Allegro Legacy

Port your Allegro 4 programs to modern systems using Allegro 5.


Allegro Legacy is a library that you can use in place of Allegro 4 to compile your programs and run them on modern systems. It utilizes Allegro 5 to access the system hardware, so it should theoretically run anywhere Allegro 5 can run.


How to Use

You will need to have Allegro 5 installed before you can build Allegro Legacy. Your Allegro 5 build needs to have the audio add-on enabled. Once you have that set up, you need to use CMake to generate the build scripts for your development environment.

To build Allegro Legacy, you create a build directory somewhere and navigate to it in the terminal. Then you type:

cmake <path_to_allegro_legacy_source>
make install

Once you have Allegro Legacy installed, you can build your Allegro 4 program as you normally would.


Allegro Legacy exposes the entire Allegro 4 API and adds a few functions to make it easier to upgrade your old projects. Below are all the additional variables and functions that Allegro Legacy exposes:

Advanced Usage

Once you have your program up and running with Allegro Legacy, you may wish to upgrade some aspects of it to take advantage of some of the enhancements that Allegro 5 offers. Allegro Legacy lets you use both the Allegro 4 and Allegro 5 APIs at the same time.

One thing you may want to do is replace your old timing loops with Allegro 5 loops. This will allow your program to only use the amount of CPU time it needs.

You can optimize your rendering if you are using a separate buffer instead of rendering directly to screen using the following code:

a5_backbuffer = al_get_backbuffer(all_get_display());
all_render_a5_bitmap(a4_buffer, a5_backbuffer);

Compatibility Notes

Allegro Legacy does not support hacked graphics modes such as that used by the ex12bit example. After looking into ex12bit not working, I decided the hacked mode it uses is not officially part of the Allegro 4 API. The additional code to support that specific mode could be added, but there may be other possible hacked modes. There's no clean way to add support for these types of hacks.


Allegro Legacy is licensed under the gift-ware license (see a4_readme.txt for details). This means it can be used in any way that Allegro 4 can be used.