A bridge to connect your web2.0 service / cryptocurrency wallet to NextID identity system. So your friends or followers can easily find you on any supported platform.
Platform | platform value |
identity value |
proof_location value |
Misc. |
twitter |
twitter_username |
Proof tweet ID (1415362679095635970 ) |
Keybase | keybase |
keybase_username |
N/A (use https://your_identity.keybase.pub/NextID/COMPRESSED_PUBKEY_HEX.txt ) |
Ethereum | ethereum |
Wallet address 0x123AbC... |
N/A (Two-way signatures created from persona sk and wallet sk) | |
Github | github |
github_username |
Public visible Gist ID a6dddd2811af21b671fd |
Gist should contain 0xPUBKEY_COMRESSED_HEX.json file |
Discord | discord |
UserName#0000 |
message link (https://discord.com/channels/DIGITS/DIGITS/DIGITS ) |
DotBit | dotbit |
address.bit |
Custom type Record (nextid_proof_0xPUBKEY_COMRESSED_HEX ) |
Formerly known as DAS (Decentralized Account System) |
Solana | solana |
Wallet address AbCdEfG9... |
N/A (Two-way signatures created from persona sk and wallet sk) | |
Minds | minds |
minds_username |
Proof post ID (LONG_DIGITS in https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/LONG_DIGITS ) |
DNS | dns |
example.com |
N/A (use dig example.com TXT ) |
ActivityPub | activitypub |
username@server.com |
ID-ish string in "toot"'s detail page link | Supports mastodon , pleroma and misskey instances |
TikTok | tiktok |
username in @username |
https://www.tiktok.com/@username/video/DIGITS or https://www.tiktok.com/t/SHORTLINK/ |
Platform | platform value |
identity value |
proof_location value |
Misc. |
facebook |
Username in link (i.e. Meta in https://www.facebook.com/Meta ) |
Post ID (460695145492083 ) |
Telegram | telegram |
telegram |
https://t.me/some_public_group/CHAT_ID_DIGITS |
ENS | ens |
myens.eth |
N/A (use id.next.proof record in ENS to store proof) |
email |
mail_address@example.com |
A public mailing list mbox download URL (?) |
Each NextID identity (named persona) has its own "proof chain":
Every modification of status (add / delete a proof) will become a "link" in the chain.
Every link is signed by persona owner (aka persona private key).
Furthermore, each link signature payload will contain previous link's sig, so the whole chain cannot be modified other than owner. Kinda like "blockchain".
Every persona proof chain is public. Everyone can download and verify it manually.
So you don't need to trust our hosted server, since we cannot fake a proof modification for any persona.
See HERE for structure of this proof chain file.
TLDR: If it is, the whole system will become weak against "junk proof" attack. For example:
Can an attacker claims himself as @elonmusk
(and provides a
seem-to-be-normal proof tweet link)?
Of course he can, since this network is decentralized, there is no "gatekeeper", anybody can publish any data in their own namespace.
Well, how should other users trust this claim? They can only fetch this tweet and validate it locally.
The result is:
EVERY user should set fetch methods for EVERY platform available (typically API key) for their own. Since they can only trust their own verification result. This will increase the difficulty of deployment for every single user in this network.
With "junk proofs" growing more and more (they will not disappear or be deleted by someone, decentralized, you know), every user will waste more and more API usage on these unsuccessful proofs. In the end the whole network is flooded.