Nextomics / NextDenovo

Fast and accurate de novo assembler for long reads
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[ERROR] 2021-03-29 21:33:04,452 seed_cns failed: please check the following logs: #110

Closed kuangtianhui closed 3 years ago

kuangtianhui commented 3 years ago

Error message [ERROR] 2021-03-29 21:33:04,452 seed_cns failed: please check the following logs: [ERROR] 2021-03-29 21:33:04,481 /public/home/02.cns_align/ context of /public/home/02.cns_align/ hostname

real 11m37.995s user 175m30.946s sys 3m49.142s touch /public/home/02.cns_align/

Genome characteristics 1.8Gb, heterozygous rate, repeat content...

Input data 98Gb, 28, 14018bp...

Config file [General] job_type = local job_prefix = nextDenovo task = all # 'all', 'correct', 'assemble' rewrite = yes # yes/no deltmp = yes rerun = 3 parallel_jobs = 40 input_type = raw read_type = clr input_fofn = /public/home/ workdir = /public/home

cluster_options = -l vf={vf} -q all.q -pe smp {cpu} -S {bash} -w n

[correct_option] read_cutoff = 5k seed_cutoff = 5126 blocksize = 10g pa_correction = 40 seed_cutfiles = 40 sort_options = -m 20g -t 16 -k 40 minimap2_options_raw = -x ava-pb -t 16 correction_options = -p 16 -max_lq_length 5

[assemble_option] random_round = 20 minimap2_options_cns = -x ava-pb -t 16 -k17 -w17 nextgraph_options = -a 1

Operating system CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)

GCC 8.1.0

Python 3+

NextDenovo v2.4.0

There are two warnings, what is impact of these two warnings ???

kuangtianhui commented 3 years ago

I change the parameter “sort_options = -m 40g” to “sort_options = -m 20g” to rerun the program.

moold commented 3 years ago

Just ignore the warnings , which do not affect the assembly result. From the log, it seems the subjob seed_cns31 has been finished without error, because it produced the done file

kuangtianhui commented 3 years ago

Thank you!!! Yes, the subjob seed_cns31 has been finished without error. I used to think that the program skipped an correction process. However, it seems not. So, thank you for clearing my mind!