Nextomics / NextDenovo

Fast and accurate de novo assembler for long reads
GNU General Public License v3.0
350 stars 52 forks source link
assembler genome-assembly long-reads oxford-nanopore pacbio

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NextDenovo is a string graph-based de novo assembler for long reads (CLR, HiFi and ONT). It uses a "correct-then-assemble" strategy similar to canu (no correction step for PacBio HiFi reads), but requires significantly less computing resources and storages. After assembly, the per-base accuracy is about 98-99.8%, to further improve single base accuracy, try NextPolish.

We benchmarked NextDenovo against other assemblers using Oxford Nanopore long reads from human and Drosophila melanogaster, and PacBio continuous long reads (CLR) from Arabidopsis thaliana. NextDenovo produces more contiguous assemblies with fewer contigs compared to the other tools. NextDenovo also shows a high assembly accurate level in terms of assembly consistency and single-base accuracy.




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The complete user documentation is available here.