Nextomics / NextDenovo

Fast and accurate de novo assembler for long reads
GNU General Public License v3.0
350 stars 52 forks source link

No assembly file after running NextDenovo #184

Closed RacheliHadjez closed 1 year ago

RacheliHadjez commented 1 year ago

Hello, I ran NextDenovo on a 60m sized genome and it ran for a few hours but I did not get an assembly file.

This is the command I used:


PBS -q huchond

PBS -o out_Assemble_Nextdenovo_HSA

PBS -e err_Assemble_Nextdenovo_HSA

PBS -l nodes=compute-0-60:ppn=250

PBS -r y

module load Python-3.10.2 module load NextDenovo-2.5.2

nextDenovo /dorotheeh/hadjez/NextDenovo_cfg_HSA.cfg -b -l LOG_HSA_Nextdenovo.txt

What version of GCC are you using? 4.8.5

What version of Python are you using? 3.10.2

What version of NextDenovo are you using? 2.5.2

This is the error file I am getting: NextDenovoError.txt

Thank you!!!

moold commented 1 year ago

As the log says:

[174109 INFO] 2023-06-14 11:56:30 nextDenovo finished
[174109 INFO] 2023-06-14 11:56:30 final assembly file:
[174109 INFO] 2023-06-14 11:56:30  /dorotheeh/hadjez/NextDenovo_HSA/03.ctg_graph/nd.asm.fasta 
[174109 INFO] 2023-06-14 11:56:30 final stat file:
[174109 INFO] 2023-06-14 11:56:30  /dorotheeh/hadjez/NextDenovo_HSA/03.ctg_graph/nd.asm.fasta.stat 
[174109 INFO] 2023-06-14 11:56:30 asm stat:
[174109 INFO] 2023-06-14 11:56:30 
Type           Length (bp)            Count (#)
N10              8023315                   1
N20              5372645                   3
N30              4668152                   4
N40              3402517                   6
N50              2258397                   9
N60              2148079                  12
N70              1796393                  16
N80              1221106                  21
N90               488771                  30

Min.               25907                   -
Max.             8023315                   -
Ave.              787407                   -
Total           74803720                  95