NexusSandbox / inevitable

Constructor of block and table text
MIT License
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"I am inevitable!"

  • A mean purple titan


Constructor library for structured monospaced text.

Current functionality:

Each of these elements can be combined to create structured text that can be printed to a console, or used to display arbitrarily sized text data to the screen.

Note: The display font must render with a monospaced font for the text to align as intended.

Kotlin & Java Compatibility

This library was constructed using Kotlin, and as such used several idiomatic Kotlin structures for the API. However, it was also designed to emulate a standard Java builder pattern structure for the API. So each construct can be called using either approach.

Target Compatibility

JVM 1.9
Kotlin 1.3.x

Usage Examples

Note: These examples can be composed with each other in arbitrary ways to render the structured text.

CellFormatter: Multi-line Uniform Text

Kotlin API

Let the pre-constructed line values be: ```kotlin val line1 = faker.getWords(5) val line2 = faker.getWords(2) val line3 = faker.getWords(3) ```
Then, these values can be used in the following ways: - Initialize with varargs ```kotlin textCell(line1, line2, line3) { alignment(CENTER) padding(1, 1) paddingSpacer('*') }.println() ``` - Initialize with a pre-constructed list ```kotlin textCell(listOf(line1, line2, line3)) { alignment(CENTER) padding(1, 1) paddingSpacer('*') }.println() ``` - Initialize dynamically ```kotlin textCell { lines(line1, line2, line3) alignment(CENTER) padding(1, 1) paddingSpacer('*') }.println() ``` - Initialize dynamically by appending line-by-line ```kotlin textCell { lines(line1) lines(line2) lines(line3) alignment(CENTER) padding(1, 1) paddingSpacer('*') }.println() ```

Java API

Let the pre-constructed line values be: ```java private String line1 = faker.getWords(5); private String line2 = faker.getWords(2); private String line3 = faker.getWords(3); ```
Then, these values can be used in the following ways: - Initialize with varargs ```java CellFormatter.Builder.of(line1, line2, line3) .alignment(Align.CENTER) .padding(1, 1) .paddingSpacer('*') .finish() .println(System.out, Charsets.UTF_8); ``` - Initialize with a pre-constructed list ```java CellFormatter.Builder.of(Lists.newArrayList(line1, line2, line3)) .alignment(Align.CENTER) .padding(1, 1) .paddingSpacer('*') .finish() .println(System.out, Charsets.UTF_8); ``` - Initialize dynamically ```java CellFormatter.Builder.of() .lines(line1, line2, line3) .alignment(Align.CENTER) .padding(1, 1) .paddingSpacer('*') .finish() .println(System.out, Charsets.UTF_8); ```

Sample Output

*vivendo eos scripserit prompta commodo*
*            noluisse idque            *
*         reque volumus tibique        *

RowFormatter: Columnated-Row Text

Kotlin API

Let the pre-constructed cell values be: ```kotlin val cell1 = textCell(faker.getWords(5), faker.getWords(2)) val cell2 = textCell(faker.getWords(2)) val cell3 = textCell(faker.getWords(3), faker.getWords(2), faker.getWords(1)) ```
Then, these values can be used in the following ways: - Initialize with varargs ```kotlin textRow(cell1, cell2, cell3) { verticalDivider(':') }.println() ``` - Initialize with a pre-constructed list ```kotlin textRow(listOf(cell1, cell2, cell3)) { verticalDivider(':') }.println() ``` - Initialize dynamically ```kotlin textRow { cells(cell1, cell2, cell3) verticalDivider(':') }.println() ``` - Initialize dynamically by appending line-by-line ```kotlin textRow { cells(cell1) cells(cell2) cells(cell3) verticalDivider(':') }.println() ```

Java API

Let the pre-constructed cell values be: ```java private CellFormatter cell1 = CellFormatter.Builder.of( faker.getWords(5), faker.getWords(2)) .finish(); private CellFormatter cell2 = CellFormatter.Builder.of( faker.getWords(2)) .finish(); private CellFormatter cell3 = CellFormatter.Builder.of( faker.getWords(3), faker.getWords(2), faker.getWords(1)) .finish(); ```
Then, these values can be used in the following ways: - Initialize with varargs ```java RowFormatter.Builder.of(cell1, cell2, cell3) .verticalDivider(':') .finish() .println(System.out, Charsets.UTF_8); ``` - Initialize with a pre-constructed list ```java RowFormatter.Builder.of(Lists.newArrayList(cell1, cell2, cell3)) .verticalDivider(':') .finish() .println(System.out, Charsets.UTF_8); ``` - Initialize dynamically ```java RowFormatter.Builder.of() .cells(cell1, cell2, cell3) .verticalDivider(':') .finish() .println(System.out, Charsets.UTF_8); ``` - Initialize dynamically by appending line-by-line ```java RowFormatter.Builder.of() .cells(cell1) .cells(cell2) .cells(cell3) .verticalDivider(':') .finish() .println(System.out, Charsets.UTF_8); ```

Sample Output

porttitor eloquentiam fabellas sit mutat:laoreet justo:quem an ipsum
quem ultrices                           :             :veritus augue
                                        :             :salutatus    

TableFormatter: Textual Table

Kotlin API

Let the pre-constructed row values be: ```kotlin val header = textRow(textCell(faker.getTitle(1)), textCell(faker.getTitle(1)), textCell(faker.getTitle(1))) val row1 = textRow(textCell(faker.getWords(5), faker.getWords(2)), textCell(faker.getWords(2)), textCell(faker.getWords(3), faker.getWords(2), faker.getWords(1))) val row2 = textRow(textCell(faker.getWords(5)), textCell(faker.getWords(2), faker.getWords(2)), textCell(faker.getWords(3), faker.getWords(2), faker.getWords(1))) val row3 = textRow(textCell(faker.getWords(5), faker.getWords(2), faker.getWords(1)), textCell(faker.getWords(2), faker.getWords(2)), textCell(faker.getWords(3))) ```
Then, these values can be used in the following ways: - Initialize with varargs ```kotlin textTable(row1, row2, row3) { header(header) headerDivider('|', '-') }.println() ``` - Initialize with a pre-constructed list ```kotlin textTable(listOf(row1, row2, row3)) { header(header) headerDivider('|', '-') }.println() ``` - Initialize dynamically ```kotlin textTable { body(row1, row2, row3) header(header) headerDivider('|', '-') }.println() ``` - Initialize dynamically by appending line-by-line ```kotlin textTable { body(row1) body(row2) body(row3) header(header) headerDivider('|', '-') }.println() ```

Java API

Let the pre-constructed row values be: ```java private RowFormatter header = RowFormatter.Builder.of( CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getTitle(1)).finish(), CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getTitle(1)).finish(), CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getTitle(1)).finish()) .finish(); private RowFormatter row1 = RowFormatter.Builder.of( CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getWords(5), faker.getWords(2)) .finish(), CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getWords(2)) .finish(), CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getWords(3), faker.getWords(2), faker.getWords(1)) .finish()) .finish(); private RowFormatter row2 = RowFormatter.Builder.of( CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getWords(5)) .finish(), CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getWords(2), faker.getWords(2)) .finish(), CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getWords(3), faker.getWords(2), faker.getWords(1)) .finish()) .finish(); private RowFormatter row3 = RowFormatter.Builder.of( CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getWords(5), faker.getWords(2), faker.getWords(1)) .finish(), CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getWords(2), faker.getWords(2)) .finish(), CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getWords(3)) .finish()) .finish(); ```
Then, these values can be used in the following ways: - Initialize with varargs ```java TableFormatter.Builder.of(row1, row2, row3) .header(header) .headerDivider('|', '=') .finish() .println(System.out, Charsets.UTF_8); ``` - Initialize with a pre-constructed list ```java TableFormatter.Builder.of(Lists.newArrayList(row1, row2, row3)) .header(header) .headerDivider('|', '=') .finish() .println(System.out, Charsets.UTF_8); ``` - Initialize dynamically ```java TableFormatter.Builder.of() .body(row1, row2, row3) .header(header) .headerDivider('|', '=') .finish() .println(System.out, Charsets.UTF_8); ``` - Initialize dynamically by appending line-by-line ```java TableFormatter.Builder.of() .body(row1) .body(row2) .body(row3) .header(header) .headerDivider('|', '=') .finish() .println(System.out, Charsets.UTF_8); ```

Sample Output

In                                        |Mauris             |Omittam                     
percipit bibendum purus augue cum         |dolores sea        |graecis voluptaria salutatus
iisque phasellus                          |                   |inciderint vix              
                                          |                   |mea                         
antiopam porta omittantur mazim erroribus |option himenaeos   |consul nobis contentiones   
                                          |aptent oporteat    |convenire dicam             
                                          |                   |decore                      
mi referrentur conclusionemque hac dapibus|iisque deterruisset|verear doming commune       
duo tractatos                             |simul alienum      |                            
autem                                     |                   |                            

BlockFormatter: Blocked Text

Kotlin API

Let the pre-constructed element values be: ```kotlin val title = textCell(faker.getTitle(2)) { alignment(Align.CENTER) } val caption = textCell(faker.getWords(3)) val tableContent = textTable(textRow(textCell(faker.getWords(1)), textCell(faker.getWords(1)), textCell(faker.getWords(1))), textRow(textCell(faker.getWords(1)), textCell(faker.getWords(1)), textCell(faker.getWords(1)))) { header(textRow(textCell(faker.getWords(1)), textCell(faker.getWords(1)), textCell(faker.getWords(1)))) headerDivider('|', '=') } ```
Then, these values can be used in the following ways: - Initialize with varargs ```kotlin textBlock(tableContent) { title(title) caption(caption) }.println() ``` - Initialize with a pre-constructed list ```kotlin textBlock(listOf(tableContent)) { title(title) caption(caption) }.println() ``` - Initialize dynamically ```kotlin textBlock { contents(tableContent) title(title) caption(caption) }.println() ```

Java API

Let the pre-constructed element values be: ```java private CellFormatter title = CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getTitle(2)) .alignment(Align.CENTER) .finish(); private CellFormatter caption = CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getWords(3)) .finish(); private TableFormatter tableContent = TableFormatter.Builder.of( RowFormatter.Builder.of( CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getWords(1)) .finish(), CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getWords(1)) .finish(), CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getWords(1)) .finish()) .finish(), RowFormatter.Builder.of( CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getWords(1)) .finish(), CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getWords(1)) .finish(), CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getWords(1)) .finish()) .finish()) .header(RowFormatter.Builder.of( CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getWords(1)) .finish(), CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getWords(1)) .finish(), CellFormatter.Builder.of(faker.getWords(1)) .finish()) .finish()) .headerDivider('|', '=') .finish(); ```
Then, these values can be used in the following ways: - Initialize with varargs ```java BlockFormatter.Builder.of(tableContent) .title(title) .caption(caption) .finish() .println(System.out, Charsets.UTF_8); ``` - Initialize with a pre-constructed list ```java BlockFormatter.Builder.of(Lists.newArrayList(tableContent)) .title(title) .caption(caption) .finish() .println(System.out, Charsets.UTF_8); ``` - Initialize dynamically ```java BlockFormatter.Builder.of() .contents(tableContent) .title(title) .caption(caption) .finish() .println(System.out, Charsets.UTF_8); ```

Sample Output

        Omittam Theophrastus         
*fugit   |ceteros    |docendi       *
*quot    |scelerisque|arcu          *
*facilisi|esse       |necessitatibus*
dicam ultrices reformidans           


GitHub: Issues


I welcome any contributions and suggestions in hopes that this library become as useful and helpful as possible. However, I would request that you abide by the following for any changes:

Note: Since this project is still rather new and small, once the pull request is created, I will get to reviewing it as soon as I am able.


MIT License