NgSekLong / SelectUrCAS

SelectUrCAS: a customizable full stack CAS example
Apache License 2.0
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Select Ur CAS

Never heard of Apereo CAS? You can learn more about it here:


Video Introduction:

A common question for starter of CAS usually is something like this: "How can I use XXXXX authentication, with an XXXXX ticket registry cluster, and with XXXXX protocol enabled?"

This shows that CAS while being incredibly powerful and well documented, it is definitely daunting for beginners. This project, Select Ur CAS is a project aims to tackle this issue.

Select Ur CAS is a project aims to provide a customizable full stack CAS example, so you can have a solid example to work on top of when you start building your own CAS server with just a few clicks.

Here's an architecture diagram to show the possibilty of Select Ur CAS:


Empowered by Docker, Select Ur CAS is very flexible in term of what can be mix and matched together.

Note that:


Need to install the following


  1. Open gen-my-cas.html using a Chrome browser (Firefox, Safari and other browser currently would not work)
  2. Select the CAS components that you want to include in your stack (e.g. MySQL Authentication + Redis Ticket Registry +OAuth 2 protocol client + ...)
  3. Copy the docker command generated
  4. Paste it in the root directory of this repository
  5. Execute script and wait for everything components ready (This might take a long time!)
  6. Add into your host file
  7. Read the documentation for each components in the gen-my-cas.html page, they contains testing credential, initialize URL, documentation and other useful info
    • If you want just test basic authentication, go to
  8. Start to play with your deployment!


  1. Why is my browser showing cert is not valid or already expired?
    • We are using self-sign cert to reduce the complexity of the demo, you can either add this cert to your trusted certification or just accept the risk before testing.
  2. Having trouble start up your system because of Tomcat listening problem?
    • then you might already have ports exposed in this machine, turning them off will solve this issue
    • In normal mechaism, you need to reserved at least port 8443 and 80 for Select Ur CAS project
    • A number of other ports might also need to be reserved depends on components selected, check the for for each project for ports!
  3. The keystore is expired / I want to use a different keystore!

The keystore can be generated with this

keytool -genkeypair -alias cas -keyalg RSA -keypass changeit -storepass changeit -keystore /etc/cas/thekeystore -dname,OU=Example,OU=Org,C=US -ext,dns:localhost,ip: -validity 3600

The P12 keystore can be generated with this:

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /etc/cas/thekeystore -destkeystore /etc/cas/keystore.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12 -srcalias cas -srcstorepass changeit -deststorepass changeit -destkeypass changeit

The PEM public cert can be generated with this:

openssl pkcs12 -in /etc/cas/keystore.p12 -passin pass:changeit -nokeys -out /etc/cas/cas_public.crt

The PEM CA cert can be generated with this:

openssl pkcs12 -in /etc/cas/keystore.p12 -passin pass:changeit -cacerts -chain -nokeys -out /etc/cas/cas_ca_public.crt

The PEM private cert can be generated with this:

openssl pkcs12 -in /etc/cas/keystore.p12 -passin pass:changeit -nodes -nocerts -out /etc/cas/cas_private.pem

Current Support demo: