extDB4 is an Arma3 Addon for connecting to Databases (currently only MariaDB/MySQL). The main purpose for extDB4 is for persistent missions in Arma. Note it will require some knowledge about SQF & SQL to use. extDB4 is also designed to be flexible & secure at the same time.
//--- Gen random strings
private _keyLength = random [6,9,12];
private _protocolName = getDatabaseRandomString _keyLength;
private _databaseLock = getDatabaseRandomString _keyLength;
//-- Connect to profile (ExtDB_Profile1) inside (extdb4-conf.ini)
private _profileName = "ExtDB_Profile1";
//--- Loaded
if(isNil compile "getDatabaseVersion") throw "Error plugin is not loaded!";
//--- Version
if(parseNumber(getDatabaseVersion) < 1.001) throw "Error plugin is outdated!";
//--- Profile
if(not(setDatabaseProfile _profileName)) throw "Error with Database Profile";
//--- Protocol
if(not(_profileName setDatabaseProfileProtocol ["SQL",_protocolName,"TEXT2"])) throw "Error with Database Protocol";
//--- Lock profile
if(not(_databaseLock setDatabaseLock true) or {not(getDatabaseLock)}) throw "Error Locking Database Profile";
diag_log format ["ExtDB4: %1", _exception];
_protocolName = "";
_databaseLock = "";
//-- Fires a database request without a response
_protocolName databaseFireAndForget "INSERT INTO `players` (`steamid`, `name`, `aliases`, `cash`, `bank`, `gear`, `admin`, `banned`, `alive`, `position`, `insert_time`, `last_seen`) VALUES ('76561199242507277', 'Nikko R. (Uncle Scrooge)', 'Ni1kk', 0, 100000, '[]', 1, 1, 1, '[]', '2023-10-25 02:09:08', '2023-11-11 18:27:13')";
//-- Database request with a response
private _uniqueID = _protocolName databaseAsyncQuery "SELECT * FROM players WHERE steamid='76561199242507277'";
getDatabaseSinglePartMessage _uniqueID;
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Ni1kko/extDB4
Windows x86 - cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 17 2022"
Windows x64 - cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 17 2022 Win64"
Linux - cmake .. -G