NiDE-gg / ZE-Configs

CSS ZE Configs
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NiDE ZE Configs

This repository was created with the intention of sharing configs with other ze server administrators.

This is a collection of EntWatch, Stripper, Savelevel, AdminRoom and BossHP configs for CS:Source ZE based on open source plugins from srcdslab. Please be aware that the stripper configs are not an extensive list of everything used on our server.

[!TIP] Clean templates are under explanations for you to copy and paste. [!IMPORTANT] Linux users: capitalization matters (maps name, cfg, ..)

How to Contribute

For making any of these configs, you'll want a tool like VIDE's entity lump editor, bspsrc, or entSpy to navigate the entities in a map. You can also compare maps with current configs in this repository and see how it has already been done if you're looking for functional examples.

[!IMPORTANT] Make sure the filename and the capitalization of the config matches the map name on the server.


Stripper is quite a complicated beast and unfortunately a single template is not really going to help you too much. If you're looking for a good starting point to learn Stripper, you can check out this tutorial. If you have any questions regarding stripper creation you can always join our #mapping channel on Discord for assistance.

Config Formatting


Find entity classnames that start with "weapon_*" as a starting point for creating these. For each item you're going to want a new block, make sure the blocks are numbered correctly if you're copy/pasting them. The format is available below.

[!NOTE] Entwatch configs are made to work with DarkerZ's Entwatch-DZ Plugin. We cannot guarantee compatability with other forks of entwatch plugin.

        "name"              ""      // Item Name (Chat)
        "shortname"         ""      // Item Name (Hud)
        "color"             ""      // Item Color (Read below for list of available colors)
        "buttonclass"       ""      // game_ui or func_button (Leave blank if only cosmetic item)
        "filtername"        ""      // filter_activator_name given to player on pickup (Leave blank if vscript assigns filtername OR AddContext output)
        "blockpickup"       "false" // Block weapon pickup
        "allowtransfer"     "true"  // Allow weapon to be etransfered
        "forcedrop"         "true"  // Force weapon to drop if player dies/disconnects
        "chat"              "true"  // Does item show up in the chat
        "chatuses"          "true"  // Does item usage show up in the chat
        "hud"               "true"  // Does item show up in the hud
        "hammerid"          ""      // Hammer ID of the weapon_* entity
        "mode"              ""      // Item mode (Read Below)
        "maxuses"           ""      // Max uses item has (0 for infinite)
        "cooldown"          ""      // Item cooldown
        "trigger"           ""      // Hammer ID of entity that strips weapons (trigger_once, if applicable)
        "buttonid"          ""      // Hammer ID of button/game_ui to be tracked for items with multiple buttons (if applicable)
        "energyid"          ""      // Hammer ID of math_counter that handles the ammo count of items (if applicable)
        "buttonclass2"      ""      // game_ui or func_button of second button/game_ui (if applicable)
        "mode2"             ""      // Mode of button 2 (if applicable)
        "maxuses2"          ""      // Maxuses of button 2 (if applicable)
        "cooldown2"         ""      // Cooldown of button 2 (if applicable)
        "buttonid2"         ""      // Hammer ID of button 2 (if applicable)
        "energyid2"         ""      // Hammer ID of math_counter for ammo count of button 2 (if applicable)
        "pt_spawner"        ""      // point_template for spawning the item (if applicable)
Template ```text "entities" { "0" { "name" "" "shortname" "" "color" "" "buttonclass" "" "filtername" "" "blockpickup" "false" "allowtransfer" "true" "forcedrop" "true" "chat" "true" "chatuses" "true" "hud" "true" "hammerid" "" "mode" "" "maxuses" "" "cooldown" "" "trigger" "" "buttonid" "" "energyid" "" "buttonclass2" "" "mode2" "" "maxuses2" "" "cooldown2" "" "buttonid2" "" "energyid2" "" "pt_spawner" "" } } ```

Entwatch Modes

Mode Description
0 No Button
1 Spammable items with little to no CD
2 Items with unlimited uses and normal CD
3 Items with limited uses and no CD
4 Items with limited uses and normal CD
5 Items with several uses before CD (lightning on cosmo)
6 Items using math_counter (OnHitMin outputs)
7 Items using math_counter (OnHitMax outputs)

Entwatch Colors

Below is a quick list of colors, but here is a Full List of color codes that can be used.

Entwatch stripper commands

Dynamic Entwatch Item Names Guide


BossHP plugin supports both targetname and hammerID for both triggers and breakable/counter. Use # to tell the plugin to search by hammerID. Outputs are written down in <targetname>:<output> format (e.g. BossName1:OnHealthChanged). The "trigger" keyvalue is required for a boss to display, and "breakable" and "counter" are required based on the "method" of the boss.

        "name"              ""              // Name to display in HUD
        "method"            "hpbar"         // Type of boss: breakable, counter, hpbar
        "trigger"           ""              // Output that triggers the boss to be displayed
        "timeout"           ""              // OPT: Time in seconds before boss stops displaying in HUD
        "killtrigger"       ""              // OPT: Output that stops the boss from being displayed
        "hurttrigger"       ""              // OPT: Output to track that damages the boss
        "multitrigger"      ""              // OPT: 1/0 - Display boss more than once based on "trigger"
        "namefixup"         ""              // OPT: 1/0 - Account for name fixup on point_template bosses
        "showbeaten"        ""              // OPT: 1/0 - Display top boss damage after boss dies

        "breakable"         ""              // Targetname/hammerid of breakable/physbox
        "counter"           ""              // Targetname/hammerid of health counter
        "backup"            ""              // argetname/hammerid of backup counter
        "iterator"          ""              // Targetname/hammerid of iterator counter
Template ```text "bosses" { "0" { "name" "" "method" "counter" "trigger" "" "counter" "" } "0" { "name" "" "method" "hpbar" "trigger" "" "counter" "" "backup" "" "iterator" "" } "0" { "name" "" "method" "breakable" "trigger" "" "breakable" "" } "" // OPTIONAL KEYVALUES { "timeout" "" "killtrigger" "" "hurttrigger" "" "multitrigger" "" "namefixup" "" "showbeaten" "" } } ```

Save Level Config

The SaveLevel plugin stores player information and restores such information if a player reconnects. Find sample configs here.

    "0" // Number of the level, starting at 0 and increasing by 1 per level. In general level 0 should be set to as if it were a newly joined player with no levels.
        "name" ""     // The name of the level to be used with the sm_level command. Typically Level 0, Level 1, Level 2, etc.
        "match"       // Block used to detect which level a player is. If this is the default/unset level, this block is unneeded.
            // Use only 1 of outputs, math, or props in a match block. The set one determines which method is used to check entities for the level.
            "math"       // Matches an output's number parameter on an add or subtract input.
                "" ""    // Datamap to check. Typically used with m_OnUser# (ie. "m_OnUser1" "leveling_counter,Add,1" would check against a 1 there).
            "props"      // Matches a networked property of an entity.
                "" ""    // Datamap to check. Typically used with m_iName. (ie. "m_iName" "1" checks for a targetname of 1)
            "outputs"    // Matches an output. Typically use math or props instead of outputs if possible.
                "" ""    // Datamap to check. May use any output datamap.
Template ```text "levels" { "0" { "name" "" "match" { "math" { "" "" } "props" { "" "" } "outputs" { "" "" } } "restore" { "AddOutput" "" "DeleteOutput" "" "m_iFrags" "" "" "" } } } ```

Moving NPC Configs

The Moving NPC plugin allows for maps to rely on an external plugin for moving boss/NPC support without using traditional entities. Find sample configs here.

        "tickrate"          ""                     // Tickrate in seconds, e.g 0.1 = min(10, server tickrate) ticks per second. Default 0.1
        "distance"          ""                     // Max target search distance. Default 5000.0
        "retarget"          ""                     // Retarget time in seconds(depends on npc`s tickrate). Default 7.5
        "forward_factor"    ""                     // Forward factor. Default 1.0
        "turning_factor"    ""                     // Turning factor. Default 0.5
        "lifetime"          ""                     // Lifetime. If 0.0 npc will exists until you kill it on the map. Default 0.0

        "attachment"        ""
        "thruster_side"     ""
        "thruster_forward"  ""
        "template"          ""
Template ```text "npc" { "0" { "tickrate" "" "distance" "" "retarget" "" "forward_factor" "" "turning_factor" "" "lifetime" "" "attachment" "" "thruster_side" "" "thruster_forward" "" "template" "" } } ```

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