NiYC23 / project-lab

Reproducible web project framework
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About this template

This template is designed to be used with the Quarto reproducible document system. It harnesses the functionality of Quarto websites to create a reproducible project template that can be hosted on GitHub Pages.

GitHub Pages configuration

There are two configuration setups for hosting with GitHub Pages:

  1. docs/ directory:\ Use the main branch and create a docs/ directory to store the website files. Go to Pages in the repository settings and select the main branch and docs/ directory. Then change the _quarto.yml file to output to the docs/ directory (output-dir: _docs/).

  2. GitHub Action:\ Use the gh-pages branch and enable the GitHub Action to automatically build and deploy the website. To enable this approach, run the following shell command in the terminal:


Template configuration

This template is designed to be used with the Quarto reproducible document system. It harnesses the functionality of Quarto websites to create a reproducible project template.

The main file used to configure the project is _quarto.yml. It includes the key-value pairs that define the project. Important keys include:

The process and report files are stored in the process and report directories, respectively. Adding a Quarto document to these directories will automatically add it to the website.

Each file in the process directory should be a Quarto document that conducts and documents a specific step in the project workflow. The files in the report directory should be Quarto documents that describe the project and its results.

All Quarto documents should be modular. That is, the input and output of each document should be read from and written to the data directory and no variables should be defined outside of the document. This ensures that the project is reproducible and that the documents can be run in any order.

You can execute and build this project using the Quarto command line interface. For example, to build the project website, run:

quarto render

To build the project website and open it in a web browser, run:

quarto preview

Alternatively, you can open the project in RStudio and use the Render command in the Build pane to build the project website.