An extension for nvim-dap providing adapter and configurations for launching .NET Core debugger (netcoredbg).
Plug 'nicholasmata/nvim-dap-cs'
use 'nicholasmata/nvim-dap-cs'
{ 'nicholasmata/nvim-dap-cs', dependencies = { 'mfussenegger/nvim-dap' } }
Call the setup function in your init.vim
to register the adapter and the configurations:
It is possible to customize nvim-dap-cs by passing a config table in the setup function.
The example below shows all the possible configurations:
-- Additional dap configurations can be added.
-- dap_configurations accepts a list of tables where each entry
-- represents a dap configuration. For more details do:
-- :help dap-configuration
dap_configurations = {
-- Must be "coreclr" or it will be ignored by the plugin
type = "coreclr",
name = "Attach remote",
mode = "remote",
request = "attach",
netcoredbg = {
-- the path to the executable netcoredbg which will be used for debugging.
-- by default, this is the "netcoredbg" executable on your PATH.
path = "netcoredbg"