class Question:
num: number
writeup: string
docs: List[Doc]
class Doc:
content: string
title: string
class QuestionsPublic:
"""What will be returned on the /questions route"""
questions: List[Question]
global_docs: List[Doc]
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] Should be able to upload question, (question-specific/global) documentation files in HTML
[x] Optionally have files in markdown and use a converter
[x] On server start, the questions/ and global_docs/ folders should be parsed to generate an instance of QuestionsPublic.
[x] Question html should be available via GET /api/question which should return a list of QuestionsPublic models
ES File Structure
Acceptance Criteria
folders should be parsed to generate an instance ofQuestionsPublic
.GET /api/question
which should return a list ofQuestionsPublic