NickA02 / SOTestingEnv

This project aims to create a web-based coding platform specifically tailored for Science Olympiad programming events.
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Science Olympiad Testing Environment

This project aims to create a web-based coding platform specifically tailored for Science Olympiad programming events.

For more information visit our COMP523 E-Team Website here.

Get Programming

Download the Repo

  1. Install Docker Desktop, VSCode, and the DevContainer VSCode extension
  2. Clone the repo into VSCode and open it

Setup Judge0

Note: This is to be completed outside* the devcontainer

  1. Download the judge0 config file
  2. Place the file in the judge0 directory
  3. Visit this website to generate a random password
  4. Use this password as the REDIS_PASSWORD variable in the judge0.conf file.
  5. Visit this website again to generate a new random password
  6. Use this new password as the POSTGRES_PASSWORD variable in the judge0.conf file.

Note: the following judge0 setup steps must be run every time you wish to run the development server

  1. Make sure your current working directory is set to judge0 (cd judge0)
  2. Run bash to launch the judge0 server
  3. The first time you run this: put some pizza in the oven

When you wish to exit development don't forget to stop judge0, either via docker-compose down inside the judge0 directory (make sure you are outside the devcontainer!) or stopping the container in Docker Desktop.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR OS X USERS (And maybe others) Depending on your docker version, the Judge0 workers may not run properly.

To fix the issue, you need modify the Docker Group settings...

  1. You can also locate the settings-store.json file (or settings.json for Docker Desktop versions 4.34 and earlier) at:

Open the path in your terminal (Mac OS X zsh example)

open ~/Library/Group\ Containers/
  1. Find "DeprecatedCgroupv1",
    • If it exists, set to true
    • If it does not, append "DeprecatedCgroupv1": true, to the json.

Running the DevContainer

  1. Navigate back to the repo in VSCode
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+P on windows (Cmd+Shift+P on mac) to open the command pallet and run Dev Containers: Build and Reopen in Container (In the future to open you can just use Dev Containers: Reopen in Container)
  3. Grab some water while the container builds

Installing Dependencies

Run the following commands:

  1. cd frontend
  2. npm install to install React dependencies
  3. python3 -m backend.script.reset_database to create the database and load in fake data. This can be run as many times as possible to reset the databse.

Setup Environment Variables

  1. cd backend
  2. Generate a random secret key via: openssl rand -hex 32
  3. Create a new file called .env.development with the following contents:
SECRET_KEY=<Your Generated Secret Key>

Running the Development Server

  1. Run honcho start
  2. Open http://localhost:4400 to view the application

Development Concerns


React Router

If you would like to create a new page and add it to the app itself. You would need to create the file, and if you have intellisense for react snippets, you can run "tsrafce" to spin up a component/page.

Now move to App.tsx. Import the page from the component you had just created. and add the following underneath the Routes tag:

<Route path="[PATH THAT SHOWS IN THE URL]" element ={<[YOUR PAGE] />} />

Uploading the HTML Python Documentation

  1. To upload the HTML Python Documentation, visit this link:

  2. Download the zip folder located at the intersection of the "HTML" row and "Packed as .zip" column.

  3. Extract that Zip folder and drag it into the project's "public" folder.

  4. Rename the folder to "python_docs"

  5. Make sure to add the newly added documentation's path in the .gitignore file.

You're all set to have added Python Documentation for the project.

For Future Reference, Placing more documentation

Current Python Version for documentation: 3.13

To add in a new set of documentation, i.e. Java, JavaScript...

  1. Make sure to grab the html documentation for the language.

  2. Extract the zip(if needed), and place into the project's "public" folder.

  3. Make sure to rename the tile of the folder to something like python_docs or {PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGE}_docs

  4. Find the index.html file for your set of documentation.

  5. Navigate to SubmissionWidget.tsx and find the section where the docsTab is set to "global".

  6. Underneath the pre-existing Python list tag, create the following JSX Link tag nested inside of an HTML list tag (Similar to the Python one previously placed):

    rel="noopener noreferrer"
    className="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-300"
  1. Make sure to add the newly added documentation's path in the .gitignore file.

  2. Refresh the project and you'll see your link placed inside the Global Docs tab under Docs!


To help with backend implementation, you can reference the count demo feature.


When creating FastAPI routes, make sure to define the routes in a feature file named corresponding to the feature inside of the api directory. This file should look similar to the example one in api/ You will need to import the file in and add it to the feature_apis list as well as the tags in the openapi_tags list in the FastAPI() constructor.

Requiring Authentication

Basic Auth

To require a user to be logged in to access a route, and get their associated Team table, add this argument to the route:

from .auth import authed_team
def get_foo(
team: Team = Depends(authed_team)
Timed Access

To require a user to be authenticated, in their scheduled test time (between the start and end values in their team table), and retreieve their Team object, use the active_test function found in /api/ Adding it to a route is just as simple as basic auth:

from .auth import active_test
def testing_concerns(
    team: Team = Depends(active_test)

This function will return a 401 error if the team is not authenticated (there is no valid JWT token), and a 403 error if the current time is not during their test time.


Define all SQLModels in the models folder in a file named according to the feature. Make sure to add this file to the __all__ list inside of the file in the models folder. This will allow it to be imported by default inside of the create_database script.

In the future we will support adding fake data inside of the create_database script.


initializes the database. If a database already exists, it is perminantly overwritten and all data is lost. Also loads in fake data.

python3 -m backend.script.reset_database


Event Supervisor Documentation

ES File Structure and Question formatting

General File Structure

The general ES file structure should maintained in the following format, and any deviation may cause some backend components to break:

├─ questions/
│ ├─ q1/
│ │ ├─
│ │ ├─ doc_<title>.md
│ │ ├─
│ │ ├─
│ ├─ q2/
│ ├─ q3/
├─ teams/
│ ├─ unique_words_reset.csv
│ ├─ teams.csv
├─ global_docs/
│ ├─ <title>.md

teams Subdirectory Information

The teams subdirectory holds all data for interacting with the Team tables in the database. As of now, there are two important files:

File Description
teams.csv File containing a snapshot of the Team table in the database.
unique_words_reset.csv File containing a list of gradeschool level words for password generation

questions Subdirectory Information

The questions Subdirectory holds information for the test, where it's subdirectories, following the convention q#, represent questions and contain all relevant files.

File Description This Markdown file holds the question body.
doc_<title>.md Markdown files with the prefix doc_ are question specific/supplemental documentation. This python file is for final submission grading by the ES. This python file is for validation testing by the students.

global_docs Subdirectoy Information

The global_docs subdirectory holds all documentation made available regardless of question. All Markdown file in this directory will be made available for reference during test time.

ES Scripting Suite Documentation


Generates a template file structure for the es_files/questions subdirectory. If questions already exist in the directory, this will generate more questions starting from the largest indexed q# found in the subdirectory. Generated questions will be in the format

├─ q1/
│ ├─
│ ├─
│ ├─
python3 -m backend.script.generate_blank_questions AMT
Argument Description Default
AMT The amount of questions to generate. Minimum 1. 3



Generates new team entries with unique identifiers based on a specified prefix and saves them to the database and a CSV file. The script takes care of password generation for each team and saves the updated team data back to the specified file. If the CSV file doesn’t exist, it will be created with the appropriate columns.

The script does not update any changes from the file, so anything in the file but not in the database will be reverted similar to the teams_to_csv script.

This command follows these rules:

python3 -m backend.script.add_teams PREFIX NUMBER DATE START END [-f, --file=es_files/teams/teams.csv]
Argument Flags Description Default
PREFIX NA Alphabetic prefix for team names. Each new team name will start with this prefix, followed by a unique number. NA
NUMBER NA Number of new teams to create. This must be an integer. NA
DATE NA Date for team activities in the format mm/dd/yyyy. NA
START NA Start time for team activities in HH:MM format (24h time), on the specified date. NA
END NA End time for team activities in HH:MM format (24h time), on the specified date. NA
FILE -f, --file Path to the CSV file where the updated team information will be saved. If the file does not exist, it will be created with default columns. Must have a .csv extension. es_files/teams/teams.csv



Loads a local teams.csv table into the database. This command will take care of password generation for teams as they are initialized and add them to the csv file. No password overwriting occurs in this script.

This command is safe... meaning it follows these rules: Where a team is identified by it's team number...

  1. Any team in the database but NOT in the file will be added to the file
  2. Any team in the file but NOT in the database will be added to the database
  3. Any team in both the file and database will update the database to the file's fields (if there are changes)
python3 -m backend.script.load_teams [-f, --file=es_files/teams/teams.csv]
Argument Flag Description Default
FILE -f, --FILE File containing updated team information. Upon completing, this file is altered to show the current state of the team table in the database. es_files/teams/teams.csv



Updates or generates a teams.csv file containing the current state of the database.

This command is NOT safe... meaning any changes in the teams.csv file will be deleted!

python3 -m backend.script.teams_to_csv [-f, --file=es_files/teams/teams.csv]
Argument Flags Description Default
FILE -f, --file File to be filled with team table information. Upon completing, this file is altered or generated to show the current state of the team table in the database. es_files/teams/teams.csv



Updates the teams table in the database to match the teams.csv file provided.

This command is NOT safe... meaning any changes and deletions in the teams.csv will be perminant!

it follows these rules: Where a team is identified by it's team number...

  1. Any team in the database but NOT in the file will be DELETED from the database
  2. Any team in the file but NOT in the database will be ADDED to the database
  3. Any team present in both will be UPDATED according the file's specifications
python3 -m backend.script.teams_to_db [-f, --file=es_files/teams/teams.csv]
Argument Flags Description Default
FILE -f, --file File containing updated team information. Upon successful completion, the database will be updated to the file's specifications. es_files/teams/teams.csv



The unique_word_list is our current tool for password generation. As more teams are made and more passwords are generated, the word list depletes. This function resets only the word list so that new passwords can be generated.

python3 -m backend.script.reset_unique_words




Will permenantly delete ALL DATA in the team table of the database.

python3 -m backend.script.reset_teams