NickHu / homotopy-io

Rewritten homotopy-core
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We started again in Rust:

Build instructions

  1. install purescript compiler and spago build tool:
    • nix-shell can do this for you with the provided shell.nix
    • alternatively, both of these dependencies can be installed with npm install -g purescript spago
  2. run spago build in the core and webclient directories


purty is used to format the code in this repository, and this is incorporated as a git pre-commit hook (please install with git config core.hooksPath .githooks).

purescript-language-server provides IDE-like features via the Language Server Protocol. Among other features, this provides facilities to:

Data structure overview

In this library, we encode zigzags in the Diagram type:

data Diagram
  = Diagram0 Generator
  | DiagramN DiagramN

newtype DiagramN
  = InternalDiagram { source :: Diagram, cospans :: List Cospan }

Diagram is a sum type which distinguishes between $0$-dimensional diagrams and $>0$-dimensional diagrams. A $0$-dimensional diagram is merely a Generator (an element of the signature), whereas for $n >0$, a $n$-dimensional diagram is given by its source boundary (A $n-1$-dimensional diagram), and a list of Cospans:

type Cospan
  = { forward :: Rewrite, backward :: Rewrite }

data Rewrite
  = Rewrite0 { source :: Generator, target :: Generator }
  | RewriteI
  | RewriteN { dimension :: Int, cones :: List Cone }

type Cone
  = { index :: Int
    , source :: List Cospan
    , target :: Cospan
    , slices :: List Rewrite

A Cospan encodes a cospan comprising of:

Rewrite similarly encodes maps between diagrams (zigzag maps), with identity rewrites being represented by RewriteI. A rewrite between $0$-dimensional diagrams simply maps Generators to Generators (Rewrite0). A $>0$-dimensional rewrite (RewriteN) is a non-trivial zigzag map, which is sparsely encoded as a list of Cones.

Recall that in general, a zigzag map $f\colon Z → Z′$ is given by:

Zigzag map diagram

A Cone is a sparse encoding of the monotone functions between singular levels. Suppose that we have a monotone function from a linearly ordered set with $m$ elements (denoted $[m]$) to one with $n$ elements: $[m] \xrightarrow{f} [n]$; this can be decomposed into a sequence of Cones as follows:

An example

Let us see how we can encode the following string diagram:

String diagram

When an $n$-dimensional diagram is projected onto 2D, the $n$-cells are represented as vertices, the $n-1$-cells as edges, and the $n-2$-cells as faces. Supposing that this string diagram is 2D, this means that we have might have a signature comprising of the following:

In the data structure, this is represented as:

-- first, we fix generators for each cell
spaceG        = Generator { id: 0, dimension: 0 }
wireG         = Generator { id: 1, dimension: 1 }
monoidG       = Generator { id: 2, dimension: 2 }
comonoidG     = Generator { id: 3, dimension: 2 }
scalarG       = Generator { id: 4, dimension: 2 }
endomorphismG = Generator { id: 5, dimension: 2 }

-- 0-diagrams
space = Diagram0 spaceG :: Diagram

-- 1-diagrams
wire = fromGenerator space space wireG :: DiagramN
      -- InternalDiagram
      --   { source: space
      --   , cospans:
      --       { forward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG, target: wireG }
      --       , backward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG, target: wireG }
      --       } : Nil
      --   }
wire⊗wire = attach Target Nil wire wire :: Maybe DiagramN
      -- Just $ InternalDiagram
      --   { source: space
      --   , cospans:
      --       { forward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG, target: wireG }
      --       , backward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG, target: wireG }
      --       } :
      --       { forward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG, target: wireG }
      --       , backward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG, target: wireG }
      --       } : Nil
      --   }

-- 2-diagrams
monoid = fromGenerator (DiagramN $ fromJust $ wire⊗wire) (DiagramN wire) monoidG :: DiagramN
      -- InternalDiagram
      --   { source: (DiagramN $ fromJust $ wire⊗wire)
      --   , cospans: { forward: RewriteN { dimension: 1
      --                                  , cones: { index: 0
      --                                           , source: { forward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                         , target: wireG
      --                                                                         }
      --                                                     , backward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                          , target: wireG
      --                                                                          }
      --                                                     } : { forward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                             , target: wireG
      --                                                                             }
      --                                                     , backward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                          , target: wireG
      --                                                                          }
      --                                                     } : Nil
      --                                           , target: { forward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                         , target: monoidG
      --                                                                         }
      --                                                     , backward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                          , target: monoidG
      --                                                                          }
      --                                                     }
      --                                           , slices: (Rewrite0 { source: wireG
      --                                                               , target: monoidG
      --                                                               })
      --                                                     : (Rewrite0 { source: wireG
      --                                                                 , target: monoidG
      --                                                                 })
      --                                                     : Nil
      --                                           } : Nil
      --                                  }
      --              , backward: RewriteN { dimension: 1
      --                                   , cones: { index: 0
      --                                            , source: { forward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                          , target: wireG
      --                                                                          }
      --                                                      , backward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                           , target: wireG
      --                                                                           }
      --                                                      } : Nil
      --                                            , target: { forward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                          , target: monoidG
      --                                                                          }
      --                                                      , backward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                           , target: monoidG
      --                                                                           }
      --                                                      }
      --                                            , slices: (Rewrite0 { source: wireG
      --                                                                , target: monoidG
      --                                                                }) : Nil
      --                                            } : Nil
      --                                   }
      --              } : Nil
      --   }
comonoid = fromGenerator (DiagramN wire) (DiagramN $ fromJust $ wire⊗wire) comonoidG :: DiagramN
      -- InternalDiagram
      --   { source: (DiagramN $ wire)
      --   , cospans: { forward: RewriteN { dimension: 1
      --                                  , cones: { index: 0
      --                                           , source: { forward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                         , target: wireG
      --                                                                         }
      --                                                     , backward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                          , target: wireG
      --                                                                          }
      --                                                     } : Nil
      --                                           , target: { forward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                         , target: comonoidG
      --                                                                         }
      --                                                     , backward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                          , target: comonoidG
      --                                                                          }
      --                                                     }
      --                                           , slices: (Rewrite0 { source: wireG
      --                                                               , target: comonoidG
      --                                                               })
      --                                                     : Nil
      --                                           } : Nil
      --                                  }
      --              , backward: RewriteN { dimension: 1
      --                                   , cones: { index: 0
      --                                            , source: { forward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                          , target: wireG
      --                                                                          }
      --                                                      , backward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                           , target: wireG
      --                                                                           }
      --                                                      } : { forward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                              , target: wireG
      --                                                                              }
      --                                                      , backward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                           , target: wireG
      --                                                                           }
      --                                                      } : Nil
      --                                            , target: { forward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                          , target: comonoidG
      --                                                                          }
      --                                                      , backward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                           , target: comonoidG
      --                                                                           }
      --                                                      }
      --                                            , slices: (Rewrite0 { source: wireG
      --                                                                , target: comonoidG
      --                                                                })
      --                                                      : (Rewrite0 { source: wireG
      --                                                                  , target: comonoidG
      --                                                                  })
      --                                                      : Nil
      --                                            } : Nil
      --                                   }
      --              } : Nil
      --   }
scalar = fromGenerator (DiagramN $ identity space) (DiagramN $ identity space) scalarG :: DiagramN
      -- InternalDiagram
      --   { source: (DiagramN $ identity space)
      --   , cospans: { forward: RewriteN { dimension: 1
      --                                  , cones: { index: 0
      --                                           , source: Nil
      --                                           , target: { forward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                         , target: scalarG
      --                                                                         }
      --                                                     , backward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                          , target: scalarG
      --                                                                          }
      --                                                     }
      --                                           , slices: Nil
      --                                           } : Nil
      --                                  }
      --              , backward: RewriteN { dimension: 1
      --                                   , cones: { index: 0
      --                                            , source: Nil
      --                                            , target: { forward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                          , target: scalarG
      --                                                                          }
      --                                                      , backward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                           , target: scalarG
      --                                                                           }
      --                                                      }
      --                                            , slices: Nil
      --                                            } : Nil
      --                                   }
      --              } : Nil
      --   }
endomorphism = fromGenerator (DiagramN wire) (DiagramN wire) endomorphismG :: DiagramN
      -- InternalDiagram
      --   { source: (DiagramN $ wire)
      --   , cospans: { forward: RewriteN { dimension: 1
      --                                  , cones: { index: 0
      --                                           , source: { forward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                         , target: wireG
      --                                                                         }
      --                                                     , backward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                          , target: wireG
      --                                                                          }
      --                                                     } : Nil
      --                                           , target: { forward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                         , target: endomorphismG
      --                                                                         }
      --                                                     , backward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                          , target: endomorphismG
      --                                                                          }
      --                                                     }
      --                                           , slices: (Rewrite0 { source: wireG
      --                                                               , target: endomorphismG
      --                                                               })
      --                                                     : Nil
      --                                           } : Nil
      --                                  }
      --              , backward: RewriteN { dimension: 1
      --                                   , cones: { index: 0
      --                                            , source: { forward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                          , target: wireG
      --                                                                          }
      --                                                      , backward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                           , target: wireG
      --                                                                           }
      --                                                      } : Nil
      --                                            , target: { forward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                          , target: endomorphismG
      --                                                                          }
      --                                                      , backward: Rewrite0 { source: spaceG
      --                                                                           , target: endomorphismG
      --                                                                           }
      --                                                      }
      --                                            , slices: (Rewrite0 { source: wireG
      --                                                                , target: endomorphismG
      --                                                                })
      --                                                      : Nil
      --                                            } : Nil
      --                                   }
      --              } : Nil
      --   }

With a couple of imports, this can be tested in the repl (spago repl), and the output can be examined to give something similar to the Pseudo-PureScript in the comments.

Let's unpack what is going on here.

Putting it together

We can identify the regular and singular levels of the big diagram:


This 2D-diagram should be captured by DiagramN, which has two constructors: