NickdevC / weekend-warrior-react

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:evergreen_tree: Weekend Warrior :evergreen_tree:

Where we take "living for the weekend" very seriously!

Important links

Deployed API

Deployed App

Front-end Repository

API Repository



After noticing a number of posts from people in my local community on Facebook relating to weekend activities for their respective families, it struck me about how there was a gap in demand for a social space purely dedicated to finding and sharing these experiences. Whilst current social media spaces do offer the ability for users to share this type of content, it is often lost in the 'noise' of these existing sites, who's purpose is much more generic and broad. In order to filter through results and specify only those posts that related to experiences/adventures would be tedious and not always accurate. I also felt that, whilst the more established and well-known activites are often publicised widely, the lesser-known local opportunities remain quite niche and rely on word-of-mouth. That is where Weekend Warrior comes in!

With Weekend Warrior, users visit the app purely for the purposes of sharing and discovering potentially new and exciting adventures to occupy their weekend. On opening the app, users are greeted with a live feed of all current posts - a tantelising preview of the exciting user experience they can explore! Much like current social media platforms, the site is designed to keep users engaged with infinite scrolling and features such as the ability to: favourite, comment and follow. Users' posts (or adventures as they are known on the app) are broken down into fields that have been designed to suit the specific purposes of helping others make informed choices about whether an adventure is a 'good fit' for them. In this respect, Weekend Warrior differs from other social media platforms, as it truly encourages users to take their time when filling out posts - this information becomes meaningful tools for others. The hope is that Weekend Warrior brings together people to form a meaningful community focussed on getting outside and truly 'living for the weekend'!

User Experience

Objectives of the Project:

  1. To produce the MVP (minimum viable product), that allows users to interact with each other in a shared social space, united by and interest in making the most of their free time.
  2. To enable users to register profiles which gives them wider opportunities on the app to socialise.
  3. To allow registered users to create, read, and edit their profile information.
  4. To allow registered users to post adventures, using a custom set of perameters to guide their content. They also have the ability to edit and delete these posts.
  5. To enable registered users to interact with other users' content by favouriting and commenting on these - having this content displayed in a personalised way through the navigation menu.
  6. To ensure that each user has the autonomy to choice who they wish to follow, building a network of like-minded personalities.

Target Audience

I feel the target audience for the app is most likely parents and adults. This is purely because the social media space for younger age groups is already very well occupied, and the activites encouraged on Weekend Warriors do not currently appeal to many younger people. Having said that, apps like Weekend Warriors are 'organic beasts' in many ways, and this app is no different - it can evolve and change depending on the type of engagement it generates.

Audience needs:

Functionality Requirements

All user stories can be viewed in this project's kanban board, where all issues are clearly labelled and categorised to give context.

As well as User Stories, I have included Tasks detailing specific development jobs that relate to setting up the working environment. In addition, all 'could have' User Stories have been moved to a column in the kanban board for 'future features'. If I had more time, those are the features I would focus on implementing first.

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Agile Approach

I followed the 'agile' approach to developing Weekend Warriors, using the content from Code Institute's course content to support me. Initially, I used the Github 'issues' feature to create my Must Have features (displayed as user stories). Once these were established, and with consideration to my project's timeline, I considered and added a number of Could Have features that were not essential for the MVP. In addition, I created a kanban board which I used throughout the development process. Whilst working through sprints, and ensuring I met the criteria for various user stories, I found it useful to create 'Tasks' to detail specifc, more developmental jobs.

Whilst the agile approach itself is more commonly based in team environments, with multiple people working on a project, this was hard to achieve as my project was my sole responsibility. To attempt to combat this 'coding in isolation', I reached out to a number of other people within the community to collaborate by: reviewing code, discussing bugs, problem solving user features and giving regular progress updates. The details of these collaborators can be found in the Acknowledgements section at the bottom of this readme.

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Technical Design

Data Structure (models)

All of the data structuring was completed when creating my backend API. The repository and accompanying README can be found here: ww-api

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UI Design




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Main Logo


Not Found (variation)




Sign Up

Log In

Home Feed

Adventures (posts)

Most Followed Users


Edit Username/Password

Create Adventure (post)




Dropdown Menu

Potential Future Features

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Technologies Used




Other Tools

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Unit Testing (automated)

I carried out some automated testing on the NavBar component, following test protocols of making the tests fail in the first instance and then ensuring they pass. This is an area where I feel least confident and would have like to have spent more time exploring if time was not such an issue.

User Testing (manual)

Feature User Action Outcome
Navigation As a logged out user, I can see the 'home', 'log in', 'sign up', and 'about' links PASS
Navigation As a logged in user, I can see the 'home', 'about', 'feed', 'favourites' and 'add adventure', links PASS
Navigation As a logged in user, I can see my profile avatar displayed in the navbar PASS
Navigation As a logged out user, if I click on a restricted feature, I cam redirected to the homepage PASS
About Page As a user, I can view the About page and it's contents PASS
Home As a user, I can see all adventure posts and scroll through them with infinite scroll enabled PASS
Home As a user, I can see all 'most followed' profiles PASS
Home As a user, I can click on an adventure post to see it's details PASS
Home As a user, I can click on a profile to see more details about that user and their adventure posts PASS
Adventure Post As a user, I can see all comments attached to an adventure post PASS
Adventure Post As a logged in user, I can add comments to an adventure post PASS
Adventure Post As a logged in user, I can favourite/unfavourite an adventure post PASS
Comments As an owner of a comment, I can edit/delete my comment PASS
Comments As a user, I can view the avatar associated with each comment and the date it was made PASS
Favourites Page As a logged in user, my favourited posts are displayed in my favourites page (navbar) PASS
Profile Page As a user, I can see all of a user's statistics PASS
Profile Page As a user, I can see all adventure posts linked to the specific profile I am viewing PASS
Profile Page As a logged in user, follow a profile from their profile page PASS
Profile Page As an owner of a profile, I can edit my profile and update my username/password PASS
Follow/unfollow As a logged in user, I can follow/unfollow profiles PASS
Feed Page As a logged in user, I can view all adventure posts from those I follow in the 'Feed' page PASS
Refresh Tokens As a logged in user, I continue to have access to my content over time without having to log back in each visit PASS

Performance Testing

HTML Validation



Note - PEP8 no longer offers their validation services

With 'pycodestyle' installed in my workspace, I was able to see and correct errors within my code (mainly pertaining to lengthy lines). I am satisfied that those errors have now been resolved.

Responsive Testing

The website has been tested using the following browsers:

The website has been tested on the following devices:

During testing it was found that some users were unable to log in if using Firefox or Safari. Turning off “Prevent Cross-Site Tracking” in the browser settings, seems to fix this issue.


During the development process and through consistent user testing, I was able to identify and find solutions to a number of bugs. Engaging with fellow Code Institue students (see 'Credits') I was able to recieve regular user feedback and work on solutions in a timely manner.

Location/feature Description Solution
Navlink (i elements) On 'hover', these elements remained blue from the CI boilerplate css. I could not overide them. Explored inheritance, and altered this to target the specific element.
profile_image (avatar) Image was not displaying correctly (showing broken link). User serializer path was incorrect, it was profile.image.url and needed to be profile.profile_image.url
Creating an adventure post Trying to include a '<' symbol within text fields. It would not allow me to do this and it would throw the rest of the code. Researching on w3schools, I realised I needed to use HTML entities, specifically &lt;
Submitting an adventure post I kept receiving a CORS error and the form would not submit. I went to the try/catch block in the function and realised the axios key had the wrong url path, it needed to be /adventures/ rather than /posts/
Post.js Some font awesome logos refused to render and were not displaying properly when inspecting in dev tools. Checked my version of FA and realised I needed to use an older version. Imported those versions, and all icons rendered.
PostPage.js The adventure posts were not displaying the 1st option in the option fields from the adventures model. It kept returning as 'none'. I added an additional 1st option to the return statement, as a placeholder of '-'. That way if the user decided to leave the field blank, '-' would display.
ProfilePage.js The page was not displaying any of the counts for: followers, following or adventure posts. On investigating, and with the support of the Slack community, I was able to see that I had made an error back in my API. The for my profiles had a duplicate queryset statement that was cancelling out the request.

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Future Features

If I were to have more time on the project I would consider implementing the following features:


Forking the GitHub Repository

  1. Go to the project repository
  2. In the right most top menu, click the "Fork" button.
  3. There will now be a copy of the repository in your own GitHub account.

Running the project locally

  1. Go to the project repository
  2. Click on the "Code" button.
  3. Choose one of the three options (HTTPS, SSH or GitHub CLI) and then click copy.
  4. Open the terminal in you IDE program.
  5. Type git clone and paste the URL that was copied in step 3.
  6. Press Enter and the local clone will be created.

Alternatively by using Gitpod:

  1. Go to the project repository
  2. Click the green button that says "Gitpod" and the project will now open up in Gitpod.

Deploying with Heroku

  1. Go to and log in; if you do not already have an account then you will need to create one.
  2. Click the New dropdown and select Create New App.
  3. Enter a name for your new project, all Heroku apps need to have a unique name, you will be prompted if you need to change it.
  4. Select the region you are working in.

Heroku Deployment

In the Deploy tab:

  1. Connect your Heroku account to your Github Repository following these steps:
    • Click on the Deploy tab and choose Github-Connect to Github.
    • Enter the GitHub repository name and click on Search.
    • Choose the correct repository for your application and click on Connect.
  2. You can then choose to deploy the project manually or automatically, automatic deployment will generate a new application every time you push a change to Github, whereas manual deployment requires you to push the Deploy Branch button whenever you want a change made.
  3. Once you have chosen your deployment method and have clicked Deploy Branch your application will be built and you should now see the View button, click this to open your application.




Deployed Live Site

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