Taal is a little weird experimental programming langauge that compiles to machine code (currently only on MacOS, only 64 bit, and requires ld
and nasm
Simply run npm i -g
and the taalc
command will be available.
Use taalc -h
for usage instruction
Most examples in the /examples
folder are sketches and don't actually compile to assembly (yet).
One thing you can do right now is print simple maths, create simple functions, and create local variables!
print 2 + 2 - 1
print 1234 * 129
fn quick_maths {
four = 2 + 2
three = four - 1
print three
# counts to 1000 from a given number
fn count (i) {
print i
if (i < (1000 - 1)) {
count (i + 1)