The inspector window is still reminiscent from days of prototyping. It's entirely functional, but the code could use a refactor for clarity and we could use only the "proper" GUI methods so that the menu keeps an aesthetic consistency.* Some additional changes might include:
Moving Chain Rules into a foldout, so they take up less space.
Indent or otherwise mark Chain Rules better, so it's more obvious which mechanic they belong to.
Fix indenting for other mechanics.
Proper GUI functions include the ones meant specifically for Drawers, not the "EditorGUILayout" methods which do auto positioning. Both work fine functionally, but aesthetically EditorGUILayout methods are positioned slightly off. Hard to say whether people will notice.
The inspector window is still reminiscent from days of prototyping. It's entirely functional, but the code could use a refactor for clarity and we could use only the "proper" GUI methods so that the menu keeps an aesthetic consistency.* Some additional changes might include: