NicoHood / grav-plugin-matomo

Integrates Matomo analytics into Grav CMS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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grav grav-cms matomo matomo-plugin plugin

Matomo Plugin

The Matomo Plugin is an extension for Grav CMS. It integrates Matomo analytics into Grav CMS. Unlike other plugins this supports server side tracking via Matomo PHP Tracking API. This plugin requires no client side Javascript but is easier to use compared to Matomo Log Analysis.

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Installing the Matomo plugin can be done in one of three ways: The GPM (Grav Package Manager) installation method lets you quickly install the plugin with a simple terminal command, the manual method lets you do so via a zip file, and the admin method lets you do so via the Admin Plugin.

GPM Installation (Preferred)

To install the plugin via the GPM, through your system's terminal (also called the command line), navigate to the root of your Grav-installation, and enter:

bin/gpm install matomo

This will install the Matomo plugin into your /user/plugins-directory within Grav. Its files can be found under /your/site/grav/user/plugins/matomo.

Manual Installation

To install the plugin manually, download the zip-version of this repository and unzip it under /your/site/grav/user/plugins. Then rename the folder to matomo. You can find these files on GitHub or via

You should now have all the plugin files under


NOTE: This plugin is a modular component for Grav which may require other plugins to operate, please see its blueprints.yaml-file on GitHub.

Admin Plugin

If you use the Admin Plugin, you can install the plugin directly by browsing the Plugins-menu and clicking on the Add button.


This plugin uses the Matomo PHP Tracking API which depends on the following PHP modules:


Before configuring this plugin, you should copy the user/plugins/matomo/matomo.yaml to user/config/plugins/matomo.yaml and only edit that copy.

Here is the default configuration and an explanation of available options:

enabled: true
active: true

# Connection settings
matomo_url: 'https://example.tld'
site_id: 1
# It is recommended to set the token via the grav dotenv plugin:
token: ''

# Privacy settings
respect_do_not_track: true
enable_cookies: false
enable_javascript: false
# Array of blocked client IP addresses for which tracking will be disabled.
blockedIpAddresses: []
# Array of blocked client IPv4 and/or IPv6 address ranges in the form
# ["", "2001:db8::1-2001:db8::fe", ...].
# In addition to numerical ranges, the keywords "private", "loopback", "link-local" are recognized,
# designating special IPv4 and IPv6 ranges (see RFCs 6890, 4193, 4291).
blockedIpRanges: ["private", "loopback", "link-local"]
# Name of a blocking cookie, which disables Matomo JS and PHP tracking, when set.
blockingCookie: "blockMatomo"

# Grav admin plugin dashboard settings
# The dashboard token must only have read access:
dashboard_token: ''
# Specify a different site id for the dashboard.
# This is useful if you have a test and production environment
# and always want to show the production stats in the admin panel.
dashboard_site_id: ''

# Development settings
# Enable this to add debug output about blocking reasons to the page's HTML source ('Matomo tracking blocked').
debug: false

Note that if you use the Admin Plugin, a file with your configuration named matomo.yaml will be saved in the user/config/plugins/-folder once the configuration is saved in the Admin.

It is recommended to set the token via environment variables and the grav dotenv plugin. Please be aware that the token will be currently added to the config file when editing the settings via the admin plugin.


Simply configure your matomo host in the config and you are ready to go! Please note, that by default this plugin is configured privacy focussed. You and enable additional features like tracking with cookies, javascript or ignoring the "Do Not Track" header in the config. Note: Ignoring the "Do Not Track" header only makes sense when using the php tracker, not the javascript code. That's because the matomo instance will also evaluate the header and ignore the request.

The default config will only track the visited url, ip, referrer, language, browser/user agent, country (via ip lookup, if enabled on matomo) which is similar to Matomo Log Analysis, just that this plugin is more easy to use, extensible and gives instant results.

If you have any improvement, please do not hesitate to file an issue.


To Do