NicoRahm / CGvsPhoto

Computer Graphics vs Real Photographic Images : A Deep-learning approach
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computer-graphics convolutional-neural-networks deep-learning image-classification image-forensics neural-network python research-paper

Computer Graphics vs Real Photographic Images : A Deep-learning approach

.. image:: :target:

CGvsPhoto implements a method for computer graphics detection using Convolutional Neural Networks with TensorFlow back-end. The package contains methods for extracting patches from computer graphics and real images, training a CNN with a custom statistical layer, testing this model, comparing with a state of the art method, visualizing probability maps, etc. See the paper corresponding to this model here.

.. figure:: :alt: splicing


The dataset used for testing our method is composed of 1800 real photographs and 1800 Video-game images. The photographs were randomly taken from the Raise Database and converted to JPEG format (compression rate 95%). The names of the images used during our experiments for each set (training, testing and validation) are available on the corresponding .csv files in the data directory.

The Video-game images were downloaded from the Level-design reference Database and cropped to remove in-game informations. They were extracted from 5 of the most photorealistic video-games: The Witcher 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Grand Theft Auto 5 and Uncharted 4. To download the preprocessed images, follow this link.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for testing purposes.


-  Python 3.6+
-  Numpy 1.6.1+
-  Scikit-learn 0.18.1+
-  TensorFlow 1.0.1+ (
-  Pillow 3.1.2+
-  Matplotlib 1.3.1+


Simply install this package with pip3 : ::

$ pip3 install CGvsPhoto

You can also clone the repository into your favorite directory.


$ git clone

Then, install the package using :


$ cd CGvsPhoto/
$ pip3 install .

To run your first test, there is one more thing to set up:


[Name of the configuration]
dir_ckpt = /path/to/save/trained/weights/
dir_summaries = /path/to/save/summaries
dir_visualization = /path/to/save visualizations

An example file is given in the examples directory.

Database format

Your database must follow this organization :



You can create it manually or use the function construct\_DB.

Some simple examples

To get started, you can run simple scripts from the examples directory. Do not forget to set up the config.ini file correctly as described above and to modify the paths to data.

How to use

This section explains basic uses of this code. We describe a step by step procedure to evaluate our model on your database.

Formatting the database

As our code uses a special format for the database, the first thing you
need to do is to create a suited structure for the data. You can do this
manually but we give a piece of code to do it automatically which may
prevent bad surprises… It creates validation, training and testing
directories and put a certain number of images per class in it (same
number of image for each class) To do so, you just need to have CG and
PG images in two different directories and choose another directory to
store the formatted database. Then you can just use the *construct\_DB*
method :

.. code:: python

    from CGvsPhoto import construct_DB

    path_CG = '/path/to/CG'
    path_PG = '/path/to/PG'
    path_export = 'path/to/export/database'

    construct_DB(source_real = path_PG, source_CG = path_CG,
                 target_dir = path_export, nb_per_class = 1000,
                 validation_proportion = 0.1, test_proportion = 0.2)

You can choose the total number of images per class and the proportion
of images to put in each directory.

Creating the patches database

Our implementation computes local patch classification before aggregating the results for full-size images. So, to train the single-image classifier, a patch database must be created. To this end, use the Database_loader class :

.. code:: python

from CGvsPhoto import Database_loader

path_source = 'path/to/source/database'
path_export = 'path/to/export/patches'
size_patch = 100

data = Database_loader(path_source, image_size = size_patch, 

# export a patch database    
                     nb_train = 40000, 
                     nb_test = 4000, 
                     nb_validation = 2000)

You can choose the patch size (100x100 pixels in our initial implementation) and the number of patches to put in each directory (with 50/50 distribution between each class).

Note that supported image extensions are [“.jpg”,“.gif”,“.png”,“.tga”,“.tif”, “.JPG”, “.jpeg”]

Creating a model

Now comes the fun part! In order to create your own model, you just have
to call the *Model* class. For example :

.. code:: python

    from CGvsPhoto import Model

    model = Model(database_path 'Database/My_Patch_Data', image_size = 100,
                  config = 'Config1', filters = [32, 64], 
                  feature_extractor = 'Stats', batch_size = 50)

You can specify the number of output filtered images for each layer with
the parameter ``filters`` and the feature extraction scheme (between
‘Hist’ and ‘Stats’). You also need to give the path to the patch

Warning : The database must contain images with the same image\_size as
specified in parameter image\_size.

Training a classifier

Now, to train this model, use the train function specifying the number of training/validation/testing batches:

.. code:: python

model.train(nb_train_batch = 15000,
            nb_test_batch = 80, 
            nb_validation_batch = 40)

This will train a model and save the weights and a bunch of summaries in correspondant directories (you specify the name of the run at the begining of the procedure). You can also load a pre-trained model and continue the training (be careful though to load a model which structure corresponds to the one you are trying to train).

At the end of training, the model’s accuracy is evaluated on the patches testing set.


Now that you have trained a model, you can load it and test it on
full-size images, using the *test\_total\_images* function :

.. code:: python

    test_data_path = '/Database/My_Data/test/'
    clf.test_total_images(test_data_path = test_data_path,
                          nb_images = 720, decision_rule = 'weighted_vote')

Your test directory must contain two sub-directories : CGG and Real.
Before testing, the console will ask you the name of the weight file to
load. It must be in the default checkpoint directory and you should
inidcate the .ckpt file. You can specify the number of images you want
to process and the aggregation scheme between ‘weighted\_vote’ and
‘majority\_vote’ (even if ‘weighted\_vote’ is in general more

Reproducing the results

The architecture used in our article [Distinguishing Computer Graphics from Natural Images Using Convolution Neural Networks, WIFS, 2017] can be reproduced by using the default parameters of the Model class. The weights used for this model are available as TensorFlow checkpoints in the folder /weights: use "Stats_15000_run_14800.ckpt"


Nicolas Rahmouni - GitHub_

Vincent Nozick - Website_


Rahmouni, N., Nozick, V., Yamagishi, J., & Echizen, I. (2017, December). Distinguishing Computer Graphics from Natural Images Using Convolution Neural Networks. In IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security, WIFS 2017.

This research was carried out while the authors stayed at the National Institute of Informatics, Japan

.. _GitHub: .. _state of the art method: .. examples/ .. examples/ .. examples/ .. examples/ .. _here: .. _Raise Database: .. _Level-design reference Database: .. _data directory: .. _link: .. _Website: