NicolasDorier / boltcards-plugin

Program a batch of Boltcards through the Boltcards factory. Then let the users consult their balance, reset, or top-up their cards.
MIT License
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Boltcard plugin

This plugin enhances your BTCPay Server with three new features:

Boltcard factories

If you need to program a large batch of Boltcards, this plugin allows you to do so efficiently.

  1. Click on the Boltcard Factories plugin in the sidebar.
  2. Choose a name for your factory.

Create Plugins

  1. A pull payment will be created for each newly programmed Boltcard. Select the model settings that will be used for such pull payments.
  2. Note that we currently support only BTC or SATS as currencies, and you should check Automatically approve claims and BTC (Off-Chain) payment methods.

Create Factory

  1. After saving, select your factory.

Select Factory

  1. Then click on View
  2. If you are not on mobile, you will see a QR code to scan to open the page on a mobile device.
  3. Install the Bolt Card NFC Card Creator on your mobile (iOS or Android)
  4. You can then program Boltcards one by one through the app, as shown in the following video.

See this video for more information:

How to program boltcards

Boltcard Balance

This feature allows a user to consult the balance of a programmed Boltcard.

If you are not on mobile, clicking on Boltcard Balance will display a QR code that you can scan on a mobile device to consult balances.

By scanning this QR code, you can easily view the history of your transactions with the Boltcard.

You can also access a QR code in the balance view of the Boltcard for topping up.

See this video for more information:

How to see boltcards balance

Boltcard Reset

This plugin is similar to Boltcard Balance but enables a user to easily sweep funds from a Boltcard and reset it.

By resetting a Boltcard, you can reprogram it.

See this video for more information:

How to reset boltcards