An implementation of the Raft consensus protocol. See the original paper for details about the protocol.
This project is developed using stack, based on an LTS snapshot of Stackage. See the stack.yaml
file for more details.
Plain cabal
can be used as well.
Simply run stack build --pedantic
Run stack build --test
to run the test-suite.
Run stack build --haddock
to build the Haddock-rendered API documentation.
The bin directory contains at least two demos.
This is a demo of an in-memory kontiki cluster running with the use of conduit. You can run up to 3 nodes and you will be able to see the logs output by them.
Simply run the following in separate terminals
$ stack exec kontiki-udp <nodeid>
where nodeid = ["node0", "node1", "node2"]. You should be able to follow the logs output by each instance.
Example output:
Reset election timeout: 15324284
Awaiting event
Got event: EMessage "node0" (MRequestVote (RequestVote {rvTerm = Term 1, rvCandidateId = "node0", rvLastLogIndex = Index {unIndex = 0}, rvLastLogTerm = Term 0}))
Input state: WrapState (Follower (FollowerState {_fCurrentTerm = Term 0, _fVotedFor = Nothing}))
Output state: WrapState (Follower (FollowerState {_fCurrentTerm = Term 1, _fVotedFor = Just "node0"}))
Log: Received RequestVote for newer term, bumping
Log: Granting vote
CSend: "node0" -> MRequestVoteResponse (RequestVoteResponse {rvrTerm = Term 1, rvrVoteGranted = True})
Reset election timeout: 14611709
Log: []
Awaiting event
Got event: EMessage "node0" (MAppendEntries (AppendEntries {aeTerm = Term 1, aeLeaderId = "node0", aePrevLogIndex = Index {unIndex = 0}, aePrevLogTerm = Term 0, aeEntries = [], aeCommitIndex = Index {unIndex = 0}}))
Input state: WrapState (Follower (FollowerState {_fCurrentTerm = Term 1, _fVotedFor = Just "node0"}))
Output state: WrapState (Follower (FollowerState {_fCurrentTerm = Term 1, _fVotedFor = Just "node0"}))
Reset election timeout: 18456774
CSend: "node0" -> MAppendEntriesResponse (AppendEntriesResponse {aerTerm = Term 1, aerSuccess = True, aerLastIndex = Index {unIndex = 0}})
Log: []
Awaiting event
Got event: EMessage "node0" (MAppendEntries (AppendEntries {aeTerm = Term 1, aeLeaderId = "node0", aePrevLogIndex = Index {unIndex = 0}, aePrevLogTerm = Term 0, aeEntries = [Entry {eIndex = Index {unIndex = 1}, eTerm = Term 1, eValue = ("node0",0)},Entry {eIndex = Index {unIndex = 2}, eTerm = Term 1, eValue = ("node0",1)}], aeCommitIndex = Index {unIndex = 0}}))
Input state: WrapState (Follower (FollowerState {_fCurrentTerm = Term 1, _fVotedFor = Just "node0"}))
Output state: WrapState (Follower (FollowerState {_fCurrentTerm = Term 1, _fVotedFor = Just "node0"}))
Reset election timeout: 14154414
Truncate: Index {unIndex = 0}
Log entries: [Entry {eIndex = Index {unIndex = 1}, eTerm = Term 1, eValue = ("node0",0)},Entry {eIndex = Index {unIndex = 2}, eTerm = Term 1, eValue = ("node0",1)}]
CSend: "node0" -> MAppendEntriesResponse (AppendEntriesResponse {aerTerm = Term 1, aerSuccess = True, aerLastIndex = Index {unIndex = 2}})
Log: [(1,("node0",0)),(2,("node0",1))]
Awaiting event
Got event: EMessage "node0" (MAppendEntries (AppendEntries {aeTerm = Term 1, aeLeaderId = "node0", aePrevLogIndex = Index {unIndex = 2}, aePrevLogTerm = Term 1, aeEntries = [Entry {eIndex = Index {unIndex = 3}, eTerm = Term 1, eValue = ("node0",2)},Entry {eIndex = Index {unIndex = 4}, eTerm = Term 1, eValue = ("node0",3)}], aeCommitIndex = Index {unIndex = 2}}))
Input state: WrapState (Follower (FollowerState {_fCurrentTerm = Term 1, _fVotedFor = Just "node0"}))
Output state: WrapState (Follower (FollowerState {_fCurrentTerm = Term 1, _fVotedFor = Just "node0"}))
Reset election timeout: 17577659
Truncate: Index {unIndex = 2}
Log entries: [Entry {eIndex = Index {unIndex = 3}, eTerm = Term 1, eValue = ("node0",2)},Entry {eIndex = Index {unIndex = 4}, eTerm = Term 1, eValue = ("node0",3)}]
CSend: "node0" -> MAppendEntriesResponse (AppendEntriesResponse {aerTerm = Term 1, aerSuccess = True, aerLastIndex = Index {unIndex = 4}})
Log: [(1,("node0",0)),(2,("node0",1)),(3,("node0",2)),(4,("node0",3))]
Awaiting event
Have a look at the issues and try to implement the proposed features.