Nicsena / express-program-controller

An non-secure node express.js server that allows you to start, or stop remotely with a request or requests with very bad protection made by Nicsena.
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[RELEASED!] [UPDATE NEWS] v1.0.1 is coming tomorrow (June 20, 2020) #1

Open Nicsena opened 4 years ago

Nicsena commented 4 years ago

The time that I'm typing this is: 1:03 AM PST, June 20, 2020.

It's been a while since I updated Express Program Controller, there were no updates last month because I been busy with other stuff or being lazy. This month will be 1 or 2 updates coming out (maybe more including mini updates), the updates are this version (v1.0.1), and v1.0.2, and may be more updates coming next month or not. You can see the update notes below.

v1.0.1 Update Changelog/Notes:

This update adds one or two upcoming features: Error and Success Pages! The error pages are in htdocs/Errors/ and the success pages are in htdocs/Success/ and they can be customized too, and the second feature is directory details, you can see the the path of the directory that the script is running in and the logs location (that may be or is gonna get added in a future update) on the main page and there's one express server change, the view engine is now EJS, which you can pass anything from the node side to the ejs webpage side.

Security Idea?

I think that I may have a idea for security like you can add specific programs/processes to be killed that you and restricting programs that can be ran in a directory inside a new folder called; Programs, and you can add programs there that can be ran, or if the first program restrictions doesn't work, you can restrict what programs to run. There are currently plans to add more security, but the security features will be in future versions of the program, or you can add the security features to your current version of the program.

This update only supports Windows. Linux support for the program is coming soon with a edition called Linux Edition that is for only Linux Operating Systems like Ubuntu, Kail Linux, and maybe macOS?

Thank you for reading this. This took like 22 minutes to type.

Edit 1: Added Success Pages Edit 2: Fixed the spelling for success pages. Edit 3: Replaced inside with with a for the Linux Edition part.

Nicsena commented 4 years ago

You can see the branch for the linux edition here:

Nicsena commented 4 years ago

Heads Up:

If v1.0.1 doesn't get released on June 20, 2020, it will be released on the next day, June 21, 2020.

Nicsena commented 4 years ago

v1.0.1 got released a few minutes ago!