Nicsena / express-program-controller

An non-secure node express.js server that allows you to start, or stop remotely with a request or requests with very bad protection made by Nicsena.
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Express.js Program Controller


Express Program Controller has been marked deprecated as of Auguest 10, 2021 since I moved on to other projects. This is not recommended to be used as it lacks security features and stuff.

Express.js Program Controller is a node express.js server that allows you to start, stop, or restart programs remotely. I may be removing the restart programs part if it's little possible or impossible for me to do.

NOTE: Express.js Program Controller is getting developed by a person who doesn't have a lot of knowledge about Node and Express and EJS. The updates may probably take hours or days to do, and a lot of time of searching the web on how to do this and that.


Using this program for any malicious purposes like destroying a system, hacking a website, or for a R.A.T (Remote Administrator Trojan) is NOT ALLOWED!

I am NOT responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program if you decided to use this program for malicious purposes. You take FULL responsibility for any malicious actions by this program if you are using it for malicious purposes.


Node.js (You can download and install Node.js from here)




* Use npm install express body-parser ejs to install the required mouldes for the server.

How to use?

1) Run the Server with npm start

- 1a) if you are editing the server, install nodemon and run the server with npm run live.

2) On your browser, go to

3) To see how to run, stop, or force stop programs, go to

- 3a) This may be changed to in the next update or in a mini update.

- 4) If there are any problems, issues, or bugs, please report them in the issues selecton at this repository.

Supported Operating Systems:

Windows 10

Windows 8.x (8 and 8.1)

Windows 7

Yeah, I know that Windows is only the supported operating system by Express.js Program Controller, but there will be support for linux with a edition called Linux Edition, a edition for linux operating systems.


Express.js Program Controller has been tested on Windows 7, and 10.

I don't have a virtual machine that haves 8 and 8.1. I will be getting the ISOs of the windows versions, and will be going to test Express.js Program Controller on there.


You can see features that Express.js Program Controller haves here.

Feature: Description:
Start Program This allows you to start a program by sending a request with the program name. The protection fails for starting programs because there are many ways of starting a program.
Stop Program This allows you to stop a program by sending a request with the program name if the program is running.
Force Stop Program This allows you to force stop a program by sending a request with the program name if the program is running. This requires administrator permissions.
Error and Success Pages The error pages are in htdocs/Errors/ and success pages is in htdocs/Success/, and they can be customized.
Very Basic Process/Program Protection (Bad) This prevents some specific programs/processes from being ran (no, protection won't work for this) or stopped. The protection can be bypassed by anyone in many ways.

As you can see, Express.js Program Controller is just started in development.

Upcoming Features:

You can see the upcoming features that are gonna get added in the next update or in the next upcoming updates here.


Feature: Description:
Restart Program This feature will allow you to restart a program, it will stop and start the program again. This upcoming feature may be removed.
Logs This feature will add logs that can be enabled or disabled, and the logs path will be customizable.
Customizable Paths


Feature: Description:
Multiple Program Support This is gonna add or try to add support for multiple programs that can be started, stopped, or restarted at once. This upcoming feature may be removed.
Live Program Output


Feature: Description:
Better Program/Process Protection Idk about this. The protection may or will block specific programs from running or getting killed no matter what the command line is.
Security This may be hard to make.

Yeah, I know that security is important if you don't want random people or anyone running random commands that can possibly destroy or upload some stuff to a website from your computer or server if you use this.

Yeah, you can use this at your own RISK until I add some good security to the server that can be enabled and disabled at anytime. I recommend keeping security enabled if you want your server or computer secure.

Process/Program Protection

Process/Protection Protection can prevent specific programs/processes from being killed or ran, however the protecton is bad or very bad because anyone can run or kill anything in a lot of ways like running the taskkill.exe program with /f /im <THE_NAME>, or killing all processes running with your user by using taskkill /F /FI "%username% eq %username%", the %username% variable is your username.

Critical Windows System Processes: System (can't be killed), winlogon.exe (can be killed with admin permissions), wininit.exe (same as winlogon.exe), csrss.exe (same as wininit.exe), smss.exe (same as csrss.exe), and some more processes.

Ending one of the critical processes will result in a BSoD (Blue Screen of Death).

There are ways to lockdown the system or a user from running those programs by changing the permissions on them, but it's risky if you set permissions on some specific programs.


Website: Coming Soon!

Video: Coming Soon!


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Discord: Nicholas#6825
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